Use case or problem
To make the most of the graph tool, you are almost obliged to use a very inflexible structure: one note = one node. This is impractical if you like to take longer notes with different sections.
E.g: I want to take notes about biology. Right now I have two incomplete solutions:
Create many independent notes, and add the tag neurology to all of them. This allows me to make the most of the graph, but there is no internal organization to the tags. Everything feels disorganized
Create a long note with different sections, headings, etc where I write everything I want in a structured way. Right now, this is represented as a single note, which renders the graph view almost useless
Proposed solution
There is a simple solution to this. Allow the nodes in the graph to be the headings within a note. For instance: I can create a note called Biology, and it has the following sections:
We can imagine that there is an option called “Atomize note”. This function would create a node for every heading. The headings would automatically be connected in a hierarchical way. Biology would have links to evolution, physiology and taxonomy. Taxonomy would be connected to plants and animals. Etc
This solution would make Obsidian much more powerful, having the best of both worlds. You would be able to take long structured notes on a topic and at the same time see the connection among your different notes using the very useful graph view.