Archive notes

archive a note where it just becomes hidden but still exists.

I don’t know what the UX would be just that at a bare minimum it’s right click enabled on notes.

Use case or problem

Notes that become outdated I expect to stay out of sight.

Proposed solution

Archive notes.

Current workaround (optional)

Create a folder and store it there.

Related feature requests (optional)

There is a plugin request but I believe this to be equally valid posted here.



Bear has such a feature. You can archive a note and it’s gone from the list, search, … If you ever wanted to see it again you can select View -> Show Archive and you get a list of archived notes. From there you could Unarchive it and it shows up in the original location.

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An equivalent to this in Obsidian would be to have an Archive folder and move notes to it.

As Dor said, you can create a folder named “Archive”. To make it appear at the bottom of the list, I precede the word “Archive” with the Chinese character “one”, like so:
一 Archive 一

or “three”:
三 Archive 三

or any other character of your choice.

Using an Archive folder is really not ideal, because other features won’t consider it.

For example, graph view will still show “Archived” notes.

I imported a thousand notes from Apple Notes where I used that pattern of having a global Archive folder, and also inner Archive folder inside other folders.

I really miss an actual archiving feature.