Advanced Tables Plugin

Just updated to Obsidian 0.10.12 and now Advanced Table Plugin is not working correctly. Cannot get the table tool bar to open with hotkeys or clicking on the icon? Some functions will work with hotkeys such as the align left, right, etc.

Is anybody else having issues?

I just checked and it seems to be working for me in 0.10.12. Can you provide a screenshot or recording of your what’s not working? It would be also be helpful to see any logs from the console (ctrl/cmd+shift+i). It might be best to put this in a new github issue:

Ok I figured out what’s going on. Just updated to the new version 0.10.0, not sure what version I had before. Now when clicking the sidebar icon or using the hotkey the toolbar now opens in the far right sidebar along side the Links, tags and outline icons. Is this the current behavior as opposed to the toolbar in the note window with the table?

That’s correct, the toolbar which showed up in the table has been replaced. The new one is an Obsidian pane that can be moved around where ever you like. If it’s open but hidden, the hotkey will bring it to the front again.

Thanks for the confirmation and a great plugin.

Hi! I’m using the Minimal Theme and after installing the Advanced Table plugin I noticed that it changes the font size of the code blocks (not inline-code). Is this something that I can revert using a css snippet?

Are the code blocks in a table?

This is an example (preview mode):
1 - with Advanced Tables disable

2- with Advanced Tables enable

In the preview mode the font-size of all the code blocks (outside the table) increases in size.

Ah okay, that should only be happening inside tables. I filed a bug report to fix that. Thanks for the screenshots.

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I loved the popup toolbar because when I’m working on my laptop I don’t have a lot of room on the screen for the side panels and tend to keep them closed - the new tool pane just takes too much space.

Would it be possible to have an option to choose between having a toolbar or the pane?
If not, then perhaps you could consider an option to display all the icons in the pane as a single line so that the pane could be docked above/below the main editing pane, taking up very little space?

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@rzt, I did put a lot of effort into creating a more toolbar shaped pane in Obsidian which could sit above the editor. Unfortunately it really goes against how Obsidian wants panes to look and I ended up scraping the idea after determining it was not going to be very stable.

I too agree that there are use cases where the in-line toolbar was really nice, however I do not have the bandwidth to maintain two versions of the toolbar.

Totally understand.

Would allowing the icons to be displayed as a single line in the pane be feasible? That way I could position the toolbar above the main note like so…


Or maybe there is some CSS snippet that would do the trick… ?


That’s what I mentioned I was working on for a while. Unfortunately the minimum height for a pane in Obsidian is very tall, so it would not end up looking nearly that nice, and would waste quite a bit of space. That height seems to be enforced by some JS in Obsidian itself, so even if I manually overrode it, it would snap back next time you touch something :confused:

Ah sorry, I misunderstood. I thought you meant sitting above the table within the editor.
It’s a shame there is a minimum height and width for panes.

Love the plugin! I ran into a few issues with the formatting being a little wonky in the editor mode if the table had links or emoji’s (non-monospace font).

Anyways I added the following piece of css code to my theme (Cybertron) to sort out the font issue. Had to remove the emoji’s as well (was using it as a visual display for a ratings column) and everything looks to be working now!

.HyperMD-table-row span {
	font-family: 'Source Code Pro' !important;

@bball2: a tip: don’t make amendments/additions to the theme’s css code because they’ll get overwritten during an update of the theme.

Better to add the amendments/additions to a snippet, then enable the snippet. Snippets are independent from the theme and therefore do not get overwritten.


Cheers, thanks for the tip!

I definitely was not doing that before :stuck_out_tongue:

At least I made all the changes at the bottom of the stylesheet, so it was easy to move over into a snippet! :+1:

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Is there a way to ease writing out longer content within cells? See this screenshot. If I want to put multiple sentences in one cell, the markdown on the left side gets way too wide and long

@richardrl: text wrapping in tables in Edit mode is not possible.