Add support for link types

Since we control our notes, programs like Juggl (Out now! 1.0.1): A completely interactive, stylable and expandable graph view plugin! of @emile can be used to extract information from our notes and write a graph.

Information could be extracted directly from the Markdown, such as tables, mermaid diagrams, other graphs’ ‘dialects’ etc. This ‘middleware’ can have several outputs, different graph dialects, csv, tables, etc. Or the omnipresent ‘Excel’.

Or perhaps there is something already there that could be reused or built upon? I discovered the other day.

When I write notes, I try to think about how they will be processed years from now. I believe that something that generates structure data is valuable to be used by the current tools or that AI program of the future that will surprise me in the next years, who knows!