I am also looking for this.
I want to be able to make interactive plots using python and plotly. I would save the plots as .html files and then be able to embed them into a note.
I have been searching high and low for a workaround and cannot find anything. It works using absolute file paths, but this is untenable as I often switch between devices (desktop & mobile). Relative links would solve this entirely.
I have a bunch of interactive plotly plots saved to my obsidian vault. I want to display these embedded in my markdown files.
Proposed solution
Currently the plots can be viewed using HTML reader but they are not supported for embedding into markdown. Adding html as an accepted file format would solve this problem.
Current workaround (optional)
I can still see the interactive plots with obsidian reader when clicking on the html files so I just view them in a separate window. iframe used to worked but no longer.
Thanks @KuiyueRO; although this doesn’t work on mobile (or iOS at least, for me), and understandably there is a security concern associated with this, being able to embed local html files within markdown would be such a huge benefit.
I don’t get how this can be considered as a security risk while it’s actually an Obsidian feature. Why locally saved pages are considered more dangerous than random page from internet?
I also would like to be able to embed local htmls into my notes as I have numerous archived web pages with useful information that I’d like to refer from my notes.