A Typora-like editing mode (edit and preview at the same time)

This would be a great solution although I imagine quite a big job to implement. I’d be happy with just a typora-like interface in the meantime.
One great feature would be the ‘/’ command that you see with Notion, Craft, Wordpress etc.

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If this is done, PLEASE keep an option NOT to use the WYSIWYM mode. I love the way the current edit mode renders things like headings in a different font but still lets you see the Markdown coding.



That’s the plan.

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Usecase for editor|preview in separate panels. I am a teacher. I mirror the part of my screen that has the preview to the big screen that the students see. That leaves me free to see navigation options and comments that they don’t see. ie. They see only question; I also see answer.


It’s very good to know this feature was moved from “Long term” to “Short term” goal on the Obsidian roadmap last month. This will be essential if the software ever has any hope to be widely used.


As amazing as it seems, not everyone likes WYSIWYG, so, whilst the feature might bring more users on board, the widespread use will not hinge on that.


You are typing that on a Discourse forum with a markdown editor and preview window, quite widely used.
If Obsidian is ever as popular as Reddit, stack overflow, even vim or emacs, it will by any objective measure be “widely used.”


Yes, there is less friction in Typora. In IA writer you also have to switch back and forth. Having two windows open, one in editing mode and one in non-editing mode is also more friction. Typora mode cannot come soon enough for me.

@Haberjr: I never said there was not less friction, In fact, I fully agree there is less, and I have been eagerly awaiting the Typora mode from the day started using Obs.

I think the point here is that it will bring this to a much wider audience. If I show this tool to any one person, the majority of them will be disinterested because of this feature, or lack thereof. Keep in mind reddit has for a very long time had some way to use a visual editor. I think the point is, what’s up with all the UI hate in the programming community? It massively amplifies the usability of things and reduces the time and energy needed to pick up. It’s a win all around, if you can make it an option rather than the default. Macs became popular because they implemented the kinds of things I’m talking about here so effectively. I find your own examples somewhat prove my point.

In response to Klaas on whether its widespread use “hinges” on this feature, I think “widespread” is a relative term, and I think you underestimate how much such a feature matters to people.



No, I do not underestimate it, I am even one of those people you refer to, as you can see in my comment to Haberjr.

Nevertheless, I have also seen comments from people here and elsewhere who stated categorically that they do not care for WYSIWYG, some have even asked Licat not to make it default.

So, I would say I am realistic: yes WYSIWYG is important for many people, but I do not ignore the others either.

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@Dor For me it is an intrinsic part of workflow. Write, look at screen, weigh it up, maybe revise a little, write some more. Anything that distracts from seeing only the writing is an impediment. I need to review what the reader will see.

This is exactly it.

@Klaas A lot of people don’t care about voting. Does that mean we shouldn’t do it?

@mangosteel I think everyone agrees WYSIWYG is important to many people. There are also many of us that hate WYSIWYG with the heat of a thousand suns. That we exist doesn’t make your preferred way to work wrong, and visa versa. 🤷 Importantly for your preferred way to work, WYSIWYG support is high on the devs priority list after getting mobile out. Cheers.


I think as the developers are making WYSIWYM editor. There should be a core plugin in settings to turn it on and off. This way everyone will get along!

@Daniyal-Ahmed: you will be able to disable it, Licat has stated do. In fact, WYSIWYG will be what he calls the 3rd mode in addition to the 2 existing modes Edit and Preview. And if you won’t want to use WYSIWYG you won’t have to.


I was not aware of these developments. Thanks for Pointing out that it has been stated before.

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I would love to see this feature.

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This is insanely cool! Just implemented it and works like a charm. Thanks.

Edit: I started to notice that this removes all formatting, including list items. I want to be able to easily identify my lists in both edit and preview, so I changed the first line in the above CSS to this:

div:not(.CodeMirror-activeline)>.CodeMirror-line span.cm-formatting-header,
div:not(.CodeMirror-activeline)>.CodeMirror-line span.cm-formatting-strong,
div:not(.CodeMirror-activeline)>.CodeMirror-line span.cm-formatting-em,

Happy to be told if there’s a better way to do this. But it just changes changes things from removing ALL formatting, to only removing formatting for headers, bold and italicised text.

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Please focus all your efforts on this. Anything else is secondary. Don’t waste time on Mobil apps if the basics are not their.
I payed for obsidian simply because I wanted to support this project. But in 2021 it is bloody ridicules that One has to type and then preview. We got soon AI coming into peoples daily lives… and this tool can’t live edit, hehe.
This tool might work for Techie people who don’t really work with it in the sense of its primary purpose…, taking notes. But someone who focuses his time on just using the tool for, well “notes” (for 90% of the time), the absence of this feature is unacceptable.
I switched to Roam and wont return unless this is fixed. Fingers crossed.
Much love


Well……that was masterly constructive…….enjoy Roam…