Zotero Integration – Import Templates?

aliases: ["{% if authors %}{% for author in authors %}{{author}}{%- endfor %}{% endif %} ({{date | format("YYYY")}}) {{title}}{{caseTitle}}"]
{%if shortTitle %}Title: "{{shortTitle}}"{%else%}Title: "{{title}}{{caseTitle}}"{% endif %}
{%- if bookTitle %}
BookTitle: "{{bookTitle}}" {%- endif %}{%if rights%}
Impression: {{rights}}{%endif%}
tags: zotero, literature-notes, reference
Type: {{itemType}}
# {% if authors %}{% for author in authors %}{{author}}{%- endfor %} {% endif %}({{date | format("YYYY")}}{{dateDecided}}) {{title}}{{caseTitle}}
## Abstract
> [!header]+
> > [!important]-
> > ```dataview
> > Table rows.important as ""
> > where file.name = this.file.name
> > group by tag
> > [!metadata]-
> > [[Index]] 
> > {% if authors %}{% for author in authors %}{{author}}{%- endfor %} {% endif %}({{date | format("YYYY")}}{{dateDecided}}) {{title}}{{caseTitle}}
> > {% for c in creators %}{% if loop.first %}{{c.creatorType | capitalize}}s:: {% endif %}[[{{c.firstName|replace(".", "")}} {{c.lastName|replace(".", "")}}]]{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %} 
> > {% if itemType %}Item_Type:: [[{{itemType}}]]{%- endif %}
> > {% if bookTitle %}Book:: [[{{bookTitle}}]]{%- endif %} {% if proceedingsTitle %}
> > Proceedings_Title:: [[{{proceedingsTitle}}]]{%- endif %} {%- if caseName %}
> > Case_Name:: [[{{caseName}}]]{%- endif %}{%- if jurisdiction %}
> > Jurisdiction:: [[{{jurisdiction}}]]{%- endif %}{%- if court %}
> > Court:: [[{{Court}}]]{%- endif %} {%- if date %}
> > Year:: [[{{date | format("YYYY")}}]]{%- endif %}{%- if dateDecided %}
> > Year:: [[{{yearAsVolume}}]]{%- endif %}{%- if url %}
> > URL:: {{url}}{%- endif %}{%- if doi %}
> > DOI:: [[{{doi}}]]{%- endif %}{%- if citekey %}
> > Citekey:: {{citekey}}{%- endif %}{% if tags %}
> > Subjects:: {% for t in tags %}[[{{t.tag}}]]{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %} {% endif %}{%- if relations.length %}
> > Related:: {% for r in relations %} [[{{r.citekey}}]]{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %} {% endfor %}{%- endif %}{% if editors %}
> > Editors:: {% for c in creators %}{% if c.creatorType=="editor" %}[[{{c.firstName|replace(".", "")}} {{c.lastName|replace(".", "")}}]]{% endif %}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %} {% if translators %}
> > Translators:: [[{{translators|replace(".", "")}}]] {% endif %}{%- if rights %}
> > Verdict:: [[{{rights}}]] {%- endif %} {%- if attachments %}
> > Attachments: {%- for a in attachments | filterby("path", "endswith", ".pdf") %}
> > [{{a.title}}](file://{{a.path | replace(" ", "%20")}})  {%- endfor -%}.{%- endif %}
> > [!reading]-
> > ```dataview
> > task from #todo/readinglist 
> > where file.name = this.file.name
> > ```
> > ```dataview
> > task from #researchprompt
> > where file.name = this.file.name
> > ```
## Annotations

{% for a in annotations %}{% if a.annotatedText %}{% if a.type == "underline" %}
{%- if a.colorCategory == "Yellow" %}#example::[[Example]]<span class="example">"{{a.annotatedText}}"</span> [p.{{pages+a.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{a.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{a.pageLabel}})
{%- elif a.colorCategory == "Black" %}### {{a.annotatedText}}
{%- elif a.colorCategory == "Gray" %}### {{a.annotatedText}}
{%- elif a.colorCategory == "Blue" %}##### {{a.annotatedText}}
{%- elif a.colorCategory == "Cyan" %}##### {{a.annotatedText}}
{%- elif a.colorCategory == "Purple" %}###### {{a.annotatedText}}
{%- elif a.colorCategory == "Magenta" %}###### {{a.annotatedText}}
{%- elif (a.colorCategory == "Orange") or (a.colorCategory == "Red") %}## {{a.annotatedText}}
{%- elif a.colorCategory == "Green" %}#### {{a.annotatedText}}
{%- else %}### {{a.annotatedText}}
{%- endif %}
{%- elif a.type == "strike" %}#### {{a.annotatedText}}
{%- elif a.color=="#434343" %}### {{a.annotatedText}} {% elif a.tag=="h1" %}## {{a.annotatedText}} 
{%- elif (a.color=="#767676") or (a.color=="#000000") %}#### {{a.annotatedText}} 
{%- elif a.color=="#aaaaaa" %}## {{a.annotatedText}} {%- elif (a.color=="#ffffff") or (a.colorCategory=="White") or (a.color=="#e56eee") -%}### {{a.annotatedText}}
{%- elif (a.color=="#000000") or (a.colorCategory=="Black") -%}##### {{a.annotatedText}}
{%- elif (a.color=="#37e5ff") or (a.color=="#38e5ff") or (a.color=="#2ea8e5") or (a.color=="#7fffff") or (a.colorCategory=="Cyan") %}#important:: [[Important]]  <span class="important">"{{a.annotatedText}}"</span> [p.{{a.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{a.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{a.pageLabel}})
{%- elif (a.color=="#a33086") or (a.color=="#a32f86") or (a.color=="#a28ae5") or (a.color == "#bf7fbf") or (a.colorCategory=="Magenta") or (a.colorCategory=="Purple") %}#critique:: [[Critique]]  <span class="critique">"{{a.annotatedText}}"</span> [p.{{a.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{a.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{a.pageLabel}})
{%- elif (a.color=="#ffc09e") %}- [ ] #therapy::[[Followup]]<span class="therapy">{{a.annotatedText}}</span> [p.{{a.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{a.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{a.pageLabel}})
{%- elif (a.color=="#fb88ff") or (a.color=="#ff809d") or (a.color=="#0000ff") or (a.color=="#ff7fff") or (a.colorCategory=="Pink") or (a.colorCategory=="Blue")%}#confusion:: [[Confusion]]  <span class="confusion">"{{a.annotatedText}}"</span> [p.{{a.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{a.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{a.page}})
{%- elif (a.color=="#f19837") or (a.color=="#ff6f01") or (a.color=="#ffc09e") or (a.color=="#ffbf7f") or (a.color == "#ff7002") or (a.colorCategory=="Orange") %}#idea:: [[Idea]]  <span class="idea">"{{a.annotatedText}}"</span> [p.{{a.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{a.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{a.pageLabel}})
{%- elif a.color=="#cccccc" or (a.color=="#aaaaaa") or (a.colorCategory=="Gray") %}#argument:: [[Argument]]  <span class="argument">"{{a.annotatedText}}"</span> [p.{{a.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{a.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{a.pageLabel}})
{%- elif (a.color=="#fbf485") %}#example::[[Example]]<span class="example">"{{a.annotatedText}}"</span> [p.{{a.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{a.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{a.pageLabel}})
{%- elif (a.color=="#ff6666") or (a.color=="#e52237") or (a.color=="#ff6666") or (a.color=="#e52136") or (a.color=="#ff7f7f") or (a.colorCategory=="Red") %}#disagreement:: [[Disagreement]]  <span class="disagreement">"{{a.annotatedText}}"</span> [p.{{a.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{a.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{a.pageLabel}})
{%- elif (a.color=="#6ad928") or (a.color=="#5fb236") or (a.color=="#69d927") or (a.color=="#c5fb71") or (a.color=="#7fff7f") or (a.color=="#5fb236") or (a.colorCategory=="Green") %}- [ ] #todo/readinglist {{a.annotatedText}} [p.{{a.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{a.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{a.page}})
{%- elif (a.color=="#ffff7f") or (a.color=="#ffd400") or (a.colorCategory=="Yellow") %}"{{a.annotatedText}}" [p.{{a.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{a.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{a.page}}) 
{%- else %}"{{a.annotatedText}}" [p.{{a.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{a.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{a.page}})
{% endif %}{% endif %}
{% if a.imageRelativePath %}![[{{a.imageRelativePath}}]]{%- endif %}
{% if a.comment -%}{%- if (a.color=="#37e5ff") or (a.color=="#38e5ff") or (a.colorCategory=="Cyan") %}> [!important]+ 
> #important:: [[Important]] [[KR]] <span class="important">"{{a.comment}}"</span> [p.{{a.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{a.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{a.page}})
{%- elif (a.color=="#a33086") or (a.color=="#a32f86") or (a.color=="#a28ae5") or (a.color=="#a28ae5") or (a.colorCategory=="Purple") %}> [!critiques]+ Critique
> #critique:: [[Critique]] [[KR]] <span class="critique">"{{a.comment}}"</span> [p.{{a.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{a.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{a.page}})
{%- elif (a.color=="#e56eee") or (a.color=="#e56eee") or (a.color=="#fb88ff") or (a.color=="#ff809d") or (a.color=="#0000ff") or (a.colorCategory=="Magenta") or (a.colorCategory=="Blue")%}> [!confusion]+
> #confusion:: [[Confusion]] [[KR]] <span class="confusion">"{{a.comment}}"</span> [p.{{a.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{a.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{a.page}})
{%- elif (a.color=="#f19837") or (a.color=="#ff6f01") or (a.color=="#f19837") or (a.color=="#ffc09e") or (a.color == "#ff7002") or (a.colorCategory=="Orange") %}> [!ideas]+ Idea
> #idea:: [[Idea]] [[KR]] <span class="idea">"{{a.comment}}"</span> [p.{{a.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{a.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{a.page}})
{%- elif (a.color=="#cccccc") or (a.color=="#") or (a.colorCategory=="Gray") %}> [!arguments]+ Argument
> #argument:: [[Argument]] [[KR]] <span class="argument">"{{a.comment}}"</span> [p.{{a.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{a.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{a.page}})
{%- elif (a.color=="#ff6666") or (a.color=="#e52237") or (a.color=="#e52136") or (a.colorCategory=="Red") %}> [!disagreements]+ Disagreement
> #disagreement:: [[Disagreement]] [[KR]] <span class="disagreement">"{{a.comment}}"</span> [p.{{a.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{a.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{a.page}})
{%- elif (a.color=="#6ad928") or (a.color=="#5fb236") or (a.color=="#69d927") or (a.color=="#c5fb71") or (a.colorCategory=="Green") %}> [!reading]+ To Read
> - [ ] #todo/readinglist {{a.comment}} [p.{{a.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{a.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{a.page}})
{%- else %}> [!comment]+
> [[KR]]{{a.comment}} [p.{{a.pageLabel}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{a.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{a.page}})
{% endif %}

{% endif %}{% endfor %}
{%- if markdownNotes %}
{{formattedAnnotations}}{{markdownNotes}}{%- endif -%}
# Data
> [!footer]+
> > [!important]-
> > ```dataview
> > Table rows.important as ""
> > where file.name = this.file.name
> > group by tag
> > ```
> > [!ideas]-
> > ```dataview
> > Table rows.idea as ""
> > where file.name = this.file.name
> > group by tag
> > ```
> > [!disagreements]-
> > ```dataview
> > Table rows.disagreement as ""
> > where file.name = this.file.name
> > group by tag
> > ```
> > [!confusion]-
> > ```dataview
> > Table rows.confusion as ""
> > where file.name = this.file.name
> > group by tag
> > ```
> > [!critiques]-
> > ```dataview
> > Table rows.critique as ""
> > where file.name = this.file.name
> > group by tag
> > ```
> > [!arguments]-
> > ```dataview
> > Table rows.argument as ""
> > where file.name = this.file.name
> > group by tag
> > ```
> > [!reading]-
> >```tasks
> > not done
> > (description includes todo) OR (description includes researchprompt)
> > filename includes {{citekey}}
> > ```

Here’s what it looks like:

it uses notion colour blocks plugin (GitHub - deathau/obsidian-snippets) to have different coloured texts. Comments are in callouts.

The highlight colours correspond to these tags:
Screenshot 2023-12-20 190030

Separate Callouts with dataview lists at the end of the template consolidate the different coloured highlights so that the annotations don’t need to be separated by colour and can be read either in context from the main text or together with other highlights of the same colour from within obsidian.