Zotero Integration – Import Templates?

Looks as expected, you’re just in source view.

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Ohhh, you’re right. I had a logic error in there (forgot to close an if-statement after the image part) but never corrected it in the Gist.
The annotation part should be something like:

{% for annotation in annotations %}{% if annotation.annotatedText %}
> <span style="color: {{annotation.color}};">&#9632;</span> {{annotation.annotatedText}} ([p. {{annotation.page}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{annotation.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{annotation.page}}&annotation={{annotation.id}}))
{% elif  annotation.imageRelativePath %}
> <span style="color: {{annotation.color}};">&#9632;</span> ![[{{annotation.imageRelativePath}}]]
{%- endif %}
{% if annotation.comment %}- {{annotation.comment}}
{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif -%}

great thank you! I don’t know why I didn’t even think to try that.

Hi. Thank everyone for sharing their template. Recently I used @mgmeyers template for my workflow and it ran smoothly, except the annotation’s color. I tried reinstall the plugin and reapply the css snippet, but nothing seems to work.
Any suggestions?

Could you share your raw template?

Try again (I typed some nonsense before). I think the colors in that template don’t match the current Zotero palette. I don’t use mgmeyers CSS anymore for this reason. But by reading this CSS snippet which works with a bog-standard install of Zotero 6.0.17 on MacOS, you should be able to work out what to change in the template and CSS:

/* Yellow */
.research-note .callout[data-callout-metadata="#ffd400"] {
  --callout-color: 255, 204, 0;

/* Red */
.research-note .callout[data-callout-metadata="#ff6666"] {
  --callout-color: 255, 59, 48;

/* Green */
.research-note .callout[data-callout-metadata="#5fb236"] {
  --callout-color: 40, 205, 65;

/* Blue */
.research-note .callout[data-callout-metadata="#2ea8e5"] {
  --callout-color: 0, 122, 255;

/* Purple */
.research-note .callout[data-callout-metadata="#a28ae5"] {
  --callout-color: 125, 84, 222;

(my snippet is from another template, but I think substituting “literature-note” for “research-note” is the only difference.

By editing the colorValueToName macro’s case statements you’ll fix the wording of the callout. By tweaking the literatureNote.css file’s data-callout-metadata fields you’ll get better colors for the callout.


You fixed it. I knew something wrong with the CSS snippet but couldn’t figure out. Thank you and have a great day!

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I followed @erazlogo template and all annotations seem to render correctly, except the yellow annotations which don’t show up as a callout.

You can see a screenshot here. In the template, yellow (#ffd400) seems not to be included, but I had no luck including it – removing that if statement messes up the render entirely.

I also tried just changing the color name to something unused (e.g. #ffd405) but that also messed up the render.

Should the !== really be ==? Line two of your template.

I really like how your template renders, would you mind sharing the whole code?

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Hello! I have a problem with old zotero sources that were annotated in different colors rather than what I’m currently using. Three connected questions:

  1. Is it possible to generically say, “yellow,” or “blue,” instead of the hex code?

  2. If not, how can I add multiple colors to one callout style? I have been able to achieve this with multiple colors by completely restating the css code. For example, I have:

/* Yellow Zotero */
.literature-note .callout[data-callout-metadata=“#ffd400”] {
–callout-color: 255, 212, 0;

/* Yellow PDF Expert */
.literature-note .callout[data-callout-metadata=“#fff9b8”] {
–callout-color: 255, 212, 0;

Is it possible to simplify so that #ffd400 and #fff9b8 are in the same line of code?

  1. How will the syntax for multiple colors look on the template side of things? For example, how would I include two colors here:

{%- if color == “#ff6666” -%}
:hushed: - Yellow
{%- endif -%}

I hope that made sense. Thanks for the help!

If you want to use those words, you need to use colorCategory instead of color:
Obsidian-2022-11-30 at 14.19.02@2x

Check out the plugin’s Data Explorer to discover more fields that you might want to use!

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Hi everyone, I hope you are well.

I am posting here in the off chance that one of you will find what will likely be a pretty simple solution for a couple of problems I cannot solve (I have no programming experience and have been trying multiple things but inevitably nothing happens).

I have adopted @mgmeyers template but there are two settings that I have no idea how to edit, namely:

  • I love it that I can get the highlights for a text but I was hoping to get them in a callout format, i.e., the blue highlight would be in a “box” and be titled “Relevant” and the red highlights would show in a separate box, titles “Irrelevant”. I tried using other templates provided here but the best I got was the boxes but without any colour to them (not like some of the images in the thread above).

  • The second issue is that when there is a comment and a highlight, they show without any paragraph between them, almost glued to one another. I was unable to find out how to implement spacing.

If anyone has the ability to help, I would appreciate it. Below is the template I am using (I just copy pasted it here, I hope that is ok? Thank you to all of you that have contributed with templates, this is a real productivity gain :slight_smile:

Title: [{% if shortTitle %}“{{shortTitle | safe}}”{% else %}“{{title | safe}}”{% endif %}]

[!info] File Creation and subsequent modification
Note creation date: <% tp.file.creation_date(“dddd Do MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss”) %>
Last modification date: <% tp.file.last_modified_date(“dddd Do MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss”) %>

{%- macro colorValueToName(color) -%}
{%- switch color -%}
{%- case “#ffff7f” -%}
Relevant / important
{%- case “#ff7f7f” -%}
{%- case “#ffbf7f” -%}
Questions / confusion
{%- case “#7fff7f” -%}
{%- case “#7fffff” -%}
Relevant to current task
{%- case “#ff7fff” -%}
TODO / follow up
{%- case “#bf7fbf” -%}
Definitions / concepts
{%- default -%}
Interesting but not relevant
{%- endswitch -%}
{%- endmacro -%}

{%- macro calloutHeader(type) -%}
{%- switch type -%}
{%- case “highlight” -%}
{%- case “strike” -%}
{%- case “underline” -%}
{%- case “image” -%}
{%- default -%}
{%- endswitch -%}
{%- endmacro %}

[!Descriptive Information]

  • Cite Key: [[@{{citekey}}]]
    {%- for attachment in attachments | filterby(“path”, “endswith”, “.pdf”) %}

  • Link: [{{attachment.title}}](file://{{attachment.path | replace(" ", “%20”)}})
    {%- endfor -%}
    {%- if abstractNote %}

  • Abstract: {{abstractNote}}
    {%- endif -%}
    {%- if bibliography %}

  • Bibliography: {{bibliography}}
    {%- endif %}
    {%- if hashTags %}

  • Tags: {{hashTags}}
    {%- endif %}


{% persist “annotations” %}
{% set annots = annotations | filterby(“date”, “dateafter”, lastImportDate) -%}
{% if annots.length > 0 %}
{% for annot in annots -%}

{#-Annotations that start with #, to be turned into markdown style section headers-#}
{% if annot.annotatedText and “#” in annot.annotatedText %}

{#-Regular text annotations w/ page number and page link-#}
{%- elif annot.annotatedText %}

{#-Image annotations-#}
{%- if annot.imageRelativePath %}
{%- endif %}

{#-comment annotations-#}
{%- if annot.comment %}

[!annot] Comment
{{annot.comment | nl2br}}
{%- endif %}

{%- endfor %}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endpersist -%}

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Hey There,

Thanks for all the interesting templates. My use Case appears slightly differently from yours, and I wonder whether someone might has built a template for that too.

I usually annotate with the native PDF viewer and then paraphrase some stuff in an Item Note. I use pictures and quotes to highlight certain wording etc. I also use different formatting in this note. It looks like in this example:

My problem is that if I try to import it with the template of e.g. @erazlago my remarks are not imported. But If I use “Import Notes”, “Insert Notes Into Current Document” or {{markdownNotes}} / {{notes}}, the images get not inserted.

I tried adding

{% if markdownNotes.imageRelativePath -%}
{% endif -%}

But that doesn’t help either.
Does someone have a solution for this?

Best, Be

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Thank you so much @tophee! I was able to fiddle with that and find a fix. I now know what the data explorer is for, haha.

I was also trying to figure out how to get my links to open to my specific pages in PDF Expert. I think I am realizing that this is a PDF reader functionality, not an Obsidian or Zotero function. As anyone gotten this feature to work with PDF Expert?

Thanks again for the help!

I have the same problem, I’ve got a functional(ish) template on this thread Zotero export notes - #4 by sjgknight with the caveat that the insertion of the images involves a replace, and it creates redundant elements. I think this is a simple fix for someone who knows the syntax at all.
I haven’t been able to properly test because although it works in the data preview, running the template falls over.

Is there a way to sort annotations by their location on the page? When sorting by page, the annotations within a page are sorted in order of creation time.
Further, text annotations are always sorted below image annotations (within a page). This is very inconvenient when managing annotations from a physics textbook since the equations (images) are explained in the text.
In summary, is there a way to sort annotations purely based on their location on a page?
Thank you :slight_smile:

The image annotations being above text ones seems to be a zotero thing. Withing Zotero, it sorts it like that. It would be great if there was a way to fix it within zotero.

Thank you for this! I’m wondering if maybe you can help me because the yellow highlights do not show under a callout but simply plain text.

Hi there, I hope you are well, thank you for sharing this. I was wondering if you could disclose which segment of code refers to your recent update to add new annotations to the same note? I imagine this means that you could edit the note and the new annotations that are added would not mess up previous edits? Thank you for your time :slight_smile: