Zotero Integration – Import Templates?

After reading all these beautiful templates I decided to put mine here as well. It is slightly simpler then most, but has most of the same functionality.

My main use is block-references. I want to be able to reuse zotero highlights in other notes. For this every annotation, image etc has it’s own (static) id (´^123456´)

Note: if you edit an annotation, the block-id will change!


  • Authors clickable
  • Links back to Zotero, so easy to jump back and forth
  • Related items (from zotero) added, both local and zotero
  • Item history, so I can see when I read those papers (linked to dates in my journal)
  • Comments, with their own tags. They are in the same block as the annotations for easy reuse
  • block-ids (^12345) !!!
  • All items are grouped by color
  • Images, with notes and tags (and block-ids)
  • Persistent notes-block
  • NEW persistent annotations

NOTICE: persistent annotations are in the gist version from version 14. It works by creating a persistent block for every individual annotation. For this to work, this template has to be the one creating the page! If a page already exists, rename or remove it. This is a work in progress!!

The papers note:

The annotations linked in another note:

Github gist with the latest version, the gist gets updated, and is already ahead of the version here!

title: "{{title | safe}}"
alias: {% if ShortTitle %}"{{shortTitle | safe}}"{% endif %}
Year: {{date | format("YYYY")}}
tags: type/source
Authors: {{authors}}{{directors}}
{#- These can be changed -#}
{#- This is the order in which the annotations are ordered -#}
   set categoryHeading = {
		"orange":  "Main ideas and conclusions",
        "yellow":  "Ordinary notes",
		"blue":    "Quote / quotable",
		"green":   "Important To Me",
		"red":     "Disagree With Author",
        "purple":  "Interesting side-point",
        "magenta": "Methodology",
		"grey":    "Definitions and concepts"
    set categoryIcon = {
        "orange": "💡",
        "yellow": "📚",
        "blue": "💬",
        "green": "💚",
        "red": "⛔",
        "purple": "💭",
        "magenta": "⚙️",
        "grey": "🧩"
{#- ---------- Don't make any changes under here --------- #}
{%- macro minEditDate() -%}
   {%- set tempDate = "" -%}
	{%- for a in annotations -%}
		{%- set testDate = a.date | format("YYYY-MM-DD#HH:mm:ss") -%}
		{%- if testDate < tempDate or tempDate == ""-%}
			{%- set tempDate = testDate -%}
		{%- endif -%}
	{%- endfor -%}
    {%- for a in notes -%}
		{%- set testDate = a.dateModified | format("YYYY-MM-DD#HH:mm:ss") -%}
		{%- if testDate < tempDate or tempDate == ""-%}
			{%- set tempDate = testDate -%}
		{%- endif -%}
	{%- endfor -%}
	{{tempDate }}
{%- endmacro -%}
{# infer latest note date #}
{%- macro maxEditDate() -%}
   {%- set tempDate = "" -%}
	{%- for n in annotations -%}
		{%- set testDate = n.date | format("YYYY-MM-DD#HH:mm:ss") -%}
		{%- if testDate > tempDate or tempDate == ""-%}
			{%- set tempDate = testDate -%}
		{%- endif -%}
	{%- endfor -%}
	{%- for n in notes -%}
		{%- set testDate = n.dateModified | format("YYYY-MM-DD#HH:mm:ss") -%}
		{%- if testDate > tempDate or tempDate == ""-%}
			{%- set tempDate = testDate -%}
		{%- endif -%}
	{%- endfor -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
{#- handle | characters in zotero strings used in MD -#}
{% macro formatCell(cellText) -%}
{{ cellText | replace("|","❕")}}
{%- endmacro %}
{#- TAGS: handle space characters in zotero tags -#}
{%- set space = joiner(' ') -%} 
{%- macro printTags(rawTags) -%}
	{%- if rawTags.length > 0 -%}
		{%- for tag in rawTags -%}
			#{{ tag.tag | lower | replace(" ","_") }} {{ space() }} 
		{%- endfor -%}
	{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro %}
    set zoteroColors = {
        "#ff6666": "red",
        "#f19837": "orange",
        "#5fb236": "green",
        "#ffd400": "yellow",
        "#2ea8e5": "blue",
        "#a28ae5": "purple",
        "#e56eee": "magenta",
        "#aaaaaa": "grey"

# {{title}}

> [!info]- Info - [**Zotero**]({{desktopURI}}) | [**DOI**](https://doi.org/{{DOI}}) | Local {% for attachment in attachments | filterby("path", "endswith", ".pdf") %}[**PDF**](file:///{{attachment.path | replace(" ", "%20")}}){%- endfor %}
> {% if ShortTitle %}Short title: {{shortTitle | safe}}{% endif %}
> Authors: {% for c in creators %}[[{{c.firstName}} {{c.lastName}}]] {% endfor %} 
> Publication: {{publicationTitle}} 
> Year: {{date | format("YYYY")}}
{% if DOI %}> DOI: **{{DOI}}**{% endif %}
> Zotero links: [Item]({{select}}) {% if pdfZoteroLink %}PDF: {{pdfZoteroLink}}{% endif %} 
> Web links: [Item]({{uri}}) {% if pdfLink %}PDF: {{pdfLink}}{% endif %} 
> {{printTags(note.tags)}}
> **History**
> Date item added to Zotero: [[{{dateAdded | format("YYYY-MM-DD")}}]]
> First date annotations or notes modified: [[{{minEditDate() | truncate(10,true,"")}}]]
> Last date annotations or notes modified: [[{{maxEditDate()| truncate(10,true,"")}}]]

{%- if relations.length > 0 %}
{{ "" }}
> [!abstract] Related Zotero items ({{ relations.length}}):  
> | title | proxy note | desktopURI |
> | --- | --- | --- |
{%- for r in relations %}
> | {{formatCell(r.title)}} | [[@{{r.citekey}}]] | [Zotero Link]({{r.desktopURI}}) | {% if rel.DOI %}> DOI: {{rel.DOI}}{% endif %} |
{%- endfor -%}
{{ "" }}
{%- endif %}

{% if notes.length > 0 %}
> [!note] Notes ({{notes.length}})
{{ "" }}
{%- for note in notes -%}
{#- Clean up note, change heading level, just in case -#}
> {{ note.note | replace ("# ","### ") }}
> {{printTags(note.tags)}}
> <small>📝️ (modified: {{ note.dateModified | format("YYYY-MM-DD") }}) [link](zotero://select/library/items/{{note.key}}) - [web]({{note.uri}})</small>
>  {{ "" }}
> ---
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}

> [!abstract]-
> {% if abstractNote %}
> {{abstractNote|replace("\n"," ")}}
> {% endif %}

## Persistant notes 
{% persist "notes" %}

{% endpersist %}

# Annotations <small>(Exported: [[{{exportDate | format("YYYY-MM-DD")}}]]</small>)

{% for color, colorCategorie in zoteroColors %}
{%- for entry in annotations | filterby ("color", "startswith", color) -%}
{%- if entry.id %}
{%- if entry and loop.first %}## {{categoryIcon[zoteroColors[entry.color]]}} {{categoryHeading[zoteroColors[color]]}}
{% endif -%}
{%- if entry.annotatedText %}{{categoryIcon[zoteroColors[entry.color]]}} {{entry.annotatedText}}
{% endif -%} 
{%- if entry.imageBaseName %}>![[/Assets/@{{citekey}}/{{entry.imageBaseName}}|300]]<br>
{%- endif %}
{%- if entry.comment %}📝️ {{entry.comment}}
{% endif -%}
{{printTags(entry.tags)}} <small>[Page {{entry.page}}](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/{{entry.attachment.itemKey}}?page={{entry.page}}) edited:[[{{ entry.date | format("YYYY-MM-DD")}}]]</small> ^{{ entry.id | lower }}

{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% endfor -%}

````Preformatted text`