Zotero best practices

I love this workflow, especially since it appears it can work with most any PDF annotation as well as Zotero’s own beta reader/annotator. However, my ideal workflow would be being able to add annotations to a Zotero PDF (via beta reader and/or from pre-existing, imported annotations), then have all those annotations automatically saved into a destination annotations markdown file (one per PDF, perhaps with an author-date title) within an ‘annotations/’ directory in my Obsidian vault, quotes and pdf page links and all. I could then link to or transclude the MD annotations from any other notes in my vault. If I subsequently added new annotations to the PDF (or removed old ones), those annotations would be automatically added (or removed) to that same annoations MD file in my vault, without breaking any Obsidian links to other annotations in that file. I don’t want to have to think about exporting my annotations or moving them over - I just want to highlight something in a PDF, then know that I can find that highlight in the corresponding MD annotation note.

The Annotator plugin already allows some of this idea (GitHub - elias-sundqvist/obsidian-annotator: A plugin for reading and annotating PDFs and EPUBs in obsidian.) but it’s still in earlier development and having Zotero integration would be amazing.

Does this ideal sound plausible, or even interesting to anyone else? I am not sure if the mdnotes plugin could even do all this or if Zotero itself would need changes. EPUB annotation too would be even better, but I know that ain’t happening :rofl: