Zotero annotations VS Obsidian built-in PDF annotations workflow

I know people who own tablets like to do their reading there and Zotero has an app for that (on iOS and iPadOS) and this PDF annotator feature is only available on Obsidian PC yet, but now that I’ve had a look at it, I’ve got to tell you: I’m impressed – the new PDF viewer seems quite capable: you can link to any annotations and can get a decent workflow going, even on files that are not on your vault but linked from your external hard drive (you can make a symlink to the top level folder holding all your PDFs and you’re good to go).

Anybody made the jump yet and said goodbye to Zotero? Or early days yet?

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As a researcher, it would be difficult to completely switch from Zotero because of the ease of generating citations. Plus, it sounds like Zotero 7 should also have capability to read epubs, which would be killer if extracting annotations is just as easy.

I am keeping an eye on Obsidian’s pdf development, especially if the features move to mobile…because Zotero’s Android workflow is clunky ;(

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