Youtube video in notes with timestamps possible? (Not in sidebar videoplayer)


I found out that it is possible to play a youtube video in a note. Perfect.
I found the plugin Timestamp notes, that creates timestamps with a shortcut, perfect…
…but: only if the video is playing in the sidebar not in the notes.

So, how can I play the YT-Video in a note and create easily a timestamp with a notice or screenshot?

Thank you in Advance.

Best regards,

Hi Mark,

If you’re using Obsidian 1.7 then the plugin Media Extended would be worth taking a look at.

If you’re using Obsidian 1.8 then you could use the Web Viewer (Core Plugin) but timestamps wouldn’t work.

Personally I use the Media Extended option and it works well for me. (need to be signed in with a Youtube account though otherwise it can buffer)

I also have a Templater Snippet which I use with the Command Palatte to Slash command load my Play/Pause/TimeStamp/Snapshot/Scrub Meta Bind Buttons on any Note, then I can control the Media Extended Clip in a Pinned note. Video above might give you a better idea of how it works.


`BUTTON[play]`  `BUTTON[timestamp]`  `BUTTON[snap]`

`BUTTON[bck10]` `BUTTON[fwd30]` 
[[Metabind Extended Media Player Buttons]]

Sample of a Note I just distilled using this exact method

Timestamp Notes

  • 01:05
  • The Myth of Overthinking: you’re not born an overthinker. You Learn It!

4 Common Unhelpful Solutions:

  1. Constantly looking for threats
  2. Seeking answers and reassurance
  3. Excessing Planning
  4. Worrying about Worrying

2 therapeutic approaches to dealing with overthinking are:

  1. CBT = Changing thoughts and replacing them with positive ones
  2. Metacognitive Therapy = Letting go of Negative Thoughts, more likely to recover with this method.
  • The Problem with CBT is it gets us to focus more on the Negative Thoughts, so here are some alternative strategies:
  • Mentions of the Book [[Live More Think Less - Dr Pia Callesen]]

Metacognitive Therapy:

  1. Get to know your trigger thoughts and let them be
  • 03:30 Each day our brain produces thousands of thoughts, emotions and memories
  • Most of the time our thoughts come and go but every now and then there are these thoughts that stay in your mind longer than you would like. These are known as our trigger thoughts. If we pay attention to these the spark an explosion
  • Think about thoughts as multiple trains waiting at the station. The departures board is the thoughts. It’s up to you whether or not you board the train.
  • The problem isn’t the trains exist. The problem is us choosing to jump on train.
  1. Recognise what you can and can’t control
  • 06:51 - this process is automatic because we train our brains over time, which means we believe that we can’t change this thought pattern
  • You can control whether you board the train but you can’t control the thought itself
  • We can control if you accept it as fact and act on it
  • Or whether we divert our thoughts to other thoughts or activities
  • Is this thought based on facts, is this how I want to think or feel, where did this thought lead me last time?
  1. Postpone and Reduce your worries
  • Save your thoughts for later, set a time window for worrying. You’ll do nothing but worry during this time and write down all the things your worrying about or thinking. Non judgementally to get them out of your head.
  • Tell your worry thought that you’ll get your chance later
  • This challenges your worry postponement beliefs and shows you thoughts disappear
  • The point is to reduce that amount of time worrying
  1. Avoid avoidance and train your attention
  • 13:07
  • Anything we avoid grows bigger like a weed
  • Tool for overcoming trigger thought: Record your thought and play it out aloud whilst focusing on a sound in your environment for 20 seconds
  • More exposure to the thought you’re able to realise you can shift your attention away from it.
  • Ask yourself
  • Has overthinking really let me to make better decisions, feel less stressed or more control?
  • Adopt Mindset: What ever happens, I’ll figure it out just like I always have


  • 23:45
  • You’re not born an overthinker, you learn it
  • Overthinking begins with trigger thoughts
  • To deal with trigger thoughts, let it be, question them, attention shift
  • Get to know your trigger thoughts and let them be
  • Recognise what you can/can’t control
  • Set a worry window
  • Avoid avoidance and train attention

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Hello Paul,

thank you for your answer.

I used in the past Logseq, but I found a lot of easy things in Obsidian, that’s why I switchen with all of my md to Obsidian. :slight_smile:
I use Obsidian 1.7.7, no update for 1.8 available.

In Logseq it is quiet simple. YT-Video is playing in the note and pressing ctrl+shift+Y gives me the timestamp below the Video. I tried a lot of Plugins in Obsidian, but Nothing worked like the way in Logseq. And as far as I remember correctly I didn’t install a plugin to do that.

In Obsidian I need the video player in the sidebar, but the video can also be played in the note.

I will check on next weekend, what the best solution is for me.

Thank you for your kind help.

Best regards,

Additional information: Obsidian Media Notes is installed but failed to load in Obsidian, no idea why.

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