Youtube annotator?

Isn’t it time for a Youtube annotator? I’m quite surprised this isn’t a thing yet.

Some ideas of what it could comprise:

  1. Ability to get timestamps
  2. Ability to retrieve transcript/captions around the stopped frame
  3. Quote comments
  4. Grab description of the video



Not sure if this achieved all you described, but I’ve seen folks exporting YouTube highlights using Memex into Obsidian. Here is an example.

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So there’s YiNote which does 1 & 4 and exports to markdown.
h/t @tallguyjenks and here’s His video showing it.

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i stopped using that shortly after the video, the media extended plugin is much better for just that


I still liked the workflow of first watching a video and taking notes in the browser, and then afterwards importing and processing my notes in Obsidian. So I made an advanced importer script for YiNote that runs directly in Obsidian.

(Sorry for bumping this thread, but I thought that may be interesting for future YiNote users who stumble over this thread, like me)

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Stumbled over this thread and wanted to let you know that we’ve just added a native Obsidian integration to Memex and also greatly improved our YouTube annotation capabilities.

For example you can do

  • Frame snapshots that also capture the current video frame + timestamp
  • Smart notes that give you a summary of the last X seconds with your video timestamp
  • AI video summaries and queries
  • Full text searchable YouTube videos

All of the notes, including images and frame snapshots will also sync to Obsidian.
And the nicest part: If you add Spaces to notes, those will sync as [[WikiLinks]] into your notes, so everything neatly embeds with your existing graph.

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Thanks for letting us know this tool! I have few questions.

  • is registering required to post comments to shared pages
  • does collaboration has extra cost
  • how does it work on other platforms with video content like Reddit?

Some other thoughts: do you have future plans how to make Reddit ↔ Memex interaction play nicely together? It could be cool to post comments on Memex and they would then automatically appear on Reddit post.

hey there,

  • is registering required to post comments to shared pages

You mean for people you share an annotated link with?
Right now yes, but we offer google/twitter logins. We know there is a lot of merit in allowing anonymous contributions and will add it at some point but have a few other things with more priority.

  • does collaboration has extra cost

No, it does not matter how much you collaborate or use personally.
Our current pricing model is that you have 25 uniquely new pages per month that you can save, annotate, share or collaborate on. But once you do that they are never going to be counted again, no matter how often you share it after.

  • how does it work on other platforms with video content like Reddit?

Generally Memex supports annotating all html5 videos but the UX is not super good on videos other than YouTube. Will be fixed at some point though!