Greetings Obsidianites, Chetachi here! I recently released my theme called Yin and Yang, a theme designed to have a deep dark mode and an icy light mode. You can find Yin and Yang on Community Themes (it will be towards the end of the listings). I initially created this theme for personal use in my first few weeks of using Obsidian. I created it with inspiration from many snippets I’ve tweaked, CSS help from the Obsidian Discord, and plenty of design inspiration from other themes like California Coast by mgmeyers! I’ve been using Obsidian for almost 3 months now and I couldn’t be happier with my experience, so much so that I wanted to give back to the community. Since the first release, I have added a ton of customizable features, including custom fonts, color changes, and some other more fun features. I released the theme on May 27th, so it is still a work in progress. If you have any issues using the theme, or any suggestions for it, do submit an issue on the repo: GitHub - chetachiezikeuzor/Yin-and-Yang-Theme: An theme with a stark contrast between dark mod
I hope you all enjoy .
Very beautiful. Many thanks
Your latest update has made this one of the best themes available
Minor suggestions
- Settings to minimise heading whitespace/padding
- Setting to change line-height
Thank you for the effort you have put into this theme
Appreciate it
I found the line-height but not a way to minimize the heading whitespace
Just a last item
Is it possible to enhance the contrast in this case?
Once again, great theme!!
I’ve installed the yin and yang theme and it is a very nice addition to the community themes. One problem I’m having: Style Settings does not appear for me under Plugin Options. I restarted Obsidian, but this didn’t make a difference. Any idea what I’m doing wrong? Thanks!
UPDATE: Figured it out. I didn’t realize that Style Settings is a Community Plugin. Installed, enabled, and all good!
Lol, glad everything is working then!
It is, thanks!!
What a beautiful theme! Thank yo so much for building it up.
I was wondering if there is a way to decrease the contrast of the background? I like the darkmode so much, but I feel it causes eye strain because the backgroun is dark.
It looks the contrast is editable since I see icons of “menu”, “contrast” and “font size” from the showcase. May I ask what it is?
Thank you!
Thank so much, i will apply to obsidian on ipad.
Love the customization! I’ve been tweaking a bit via Style Settings, too. Would it be possible to add a setting that shrinks the header hashes and puts them left of the left margin? (For example, like the “Flush Headings” setting in the California Coast theme and the default appearance used by the sadly-abandoned Ono Sendai theme.)
Amazing! Thanks for this theme!
Any tip of how I could obtain a solarized background within Yin and Yang theme?
Many thanks again.
Loving this Theme so much!!
Question: Is there a way to change the background color of individual headings?
Eleanor Konik does it on her vault:
Somehow I can’t figure out how it’s done
Thank you for your awesome work!
Hey, thank you very much for the theme! The customizability met (almost) all of my needs and the theme became my favorite one.
But I have one problem which was seen in other themes like ITS or Obsidianite: the synced scrolling between two linked panes are glitching. There was a thread on GitHub and the Dev seemed to solve the problem but I don’t know what snippet or code has been added. Could you please take a look?
Wonderful work! I was trying some color configurations, but I did not figure out how to change the note background color in the light theme. Is this possible?
Love your Yin and Yang theme; thanks for your efforts on a stunning theme – also the icon set is great. Have configured (via Style Settings) my own blue version of Y & Y – but can’t figure out how to change the base font’s color. Grateful for any hints – thanks.
Hey I really love this theme but I was wondering is there any way where while in edit mode on desktop the headers and text is smaller than in preview mode but I want the headers to be the same size as it would be in the preview mode. Right now it is only showing all of the headers the same size as the blocks of text below the headers.
I would change the settings in style settings to change the size of the headers for example to 2 and but it doesn’t change anything. I currently do not have any other css snippets activated and I am using the current obsidian release.
The headers are the same size in preview mode and in editor mode on my mobile devices but it just is not showing properly as explained above. I am using a Mac.
Thank you so much and again this is an awesome theme!!!
Hi @Chetachi ! For some weird reason it seems the theme does not appear currently in the theme browser??
@jonatanronsholdt It looks like you have a typo in your first search. (‘ying’ instead of ‘yin’).
Why the dev’s name doesn’t yield the Yin and Yang theme as a result isn’t clear to me. The theme of Yin and Yang shows up as expected in my set up.