I had made the misguided decision in recent years to have embedded queries for MOCs. For example [[point of view]] OR [[pov]].
Backlinks appeared to answer this but… backlinks does not show those occurrences where I’ve used the alias reference.
Yes, I could linter or regex my way thru or, simply, enclose the links in double quotes. Life is not much more than a series of work arounds and cleanups.
With properties I have been using and really liking Dataview lately.
However… with Dataview in transition to Datacore, this maybe a repeat of my core search misguidance. What to do…
Despite these issues, the recent cleanup of past meta data carnage is resulting in a nice vault. I just hope design and development effort is NOT favoring atomic notes. I do not believe most people (myself included) think and act atomically.
Maybe we’re missing something with regard to the use of core search in finding links and backlinks with regard to aliases.
FWIW - there is a feature request for adding a Search operator for Links. Search Operators for LINKS (backlinks, forwardlinks) - #23 by charleshan