There is a workaround:
- in mac preferences → keyboard → shortcuts → App shortcuts
- Add a shortcut for Obsidian, called “Redo” with the standard key combination - cmd+shift+z.
tl;dr of the issue:
- Redo didn’t work with Dvorak
- The Redo menu item also doesn’t work (might be the root cause)
Steps to reproduce
Use Dvorak keyboard layout on mac, type text in editor, hit cmd+z (z - the dvorak key for z. It is the “slash” key on a standard keyboard).
Some text would disappear.
Then hit cmd+shift+z.
Expected result
I expected the text to reappear.
Actual result
The text did not reappear.
- Operating system: mac (Monterey 12.3.1, but verified on earlier), Obsidian 0.14.6
- Debug info:
Additional information
When changing the layout to the standard ABC layout - Redo worked.
As noted above in the tl;dr - setting the same key combination as an override in mac keyboard shortcuts works around the issue.
The thing that helped find the workaround is that I noticed
- The Redo menu item under “Edit” menu simply didn’t work (this might be the actual issue)
- the “Edit” menu flickered when hitting cmd+shift+z (but not when hitting cmd+z), which made me think cmd+shift+z was going through a more external interface, hence the attempt to override it in mac preferences with the same key combination.