Within a Callout, capitalization does not get rendered

Steps to reproduce

insert a callout CNT+P /insert callout

Add some text with some words Capitalized, like Paris

the text will be rendered as “pairis”

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? [Y/N]

Expected result

Actual result


Additional information

About Obsidian
Version 1.6.3 (Installer 1.4.14)

I can’t reproduce.
Please, Post a screen recording of this happening in the sandbox vault

I’m not sure how to check if there is a snippet affecting the sandbox…

It looks like you are putting an emoji and text in the callout name:

> [!✏️ Move to Paris in December 2025]
> Contents

That’s not how callouts work.

You want:

> [!todo] ✏️ Move to Paris in December 2025 <-callout title
> callout content

See: Callouts - Obsidian Help

> [!info, todo] 
> [!note] 
> [!abstract, summary, tldr] 
> [!tip, hint, important] 
> [!success, check, done] 
> [!question, help, faq] 
> [!warning, caution, attention] 
> [!failure, fail, missing] 
> [!danger, error] 
> [!bug] 
> [!example] 
> [!quote, cite] 

you are not using the correct syntax

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thanks! this had me quite baffled. You are correct.

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