With zettlekasten, how many atomic notes should I have? limit to a few meaningful ones or get as many as posssible

I am creating each note as a standalone atomic note, I have 3000 fleeting notes to process still – and I’m unsure if that should turn into 3000 atomic notes, or if its better to have just a few atomic notes that I update with the new info.

I wasn’t sure if I should try and always keep the count of zettles low and opting to always update an existing note if its somewhat similar, or just pour in as many atomic notes, trying to link to other notes.

Right now I have a lot of notes regarding processes (for work).

Maybe is not a very useful answer, but… there is not a systematic rule.
A single fleeting note can bring to write one, many or even zero (when you discard it) main notes.
You can create a single main note from the content of many fleeting notes.
It really depends on the contents you take into the fleeting note.