So I’m fairly new to Obsidian, been a Ulysses user for over a million words, and like the idea of moving my zillions of words out of the U3 proprietary format. I also see the power of the Luhman method but don’t know of a tool that really fits the usage scenario I need to replace my usual chaotic ADHD thinking.
So these are scranarios. I think a lot of the function here is very similar to existing features/feature requests, but hard to put them together into a fluent workflow.
I’ve actually written this with a first and probably primitive notion of the “split lines” that are part of the request.
|- 202104131341 Wish list for ZK|1
I’m on a roll capturing a chain of ideas. I want to
- start a new zettel with a hotkey
- enter a heading and tags (maybe a template)
- have a key combination that creates a new zettel with
- the same tags as this
- “title|n” 1-up, other separator characters find
- an automatic link to the previous card.
|- 202104131341 Wish list for ZK|2
I’m writing a longer piece. I want to:
- highlight part of the text
- create a new zettel with the highlighted text as the body
- return to my original note at point
- have the zettel link in the clipboard so I can optionally insert a link into my document
(similar to
|- 202104131341 Wish list for ZK|3
I’m writing a longer piece. I want to:
- Insert a “split line” with a zettelkasten ID but not split the file yet.
- post-process the file creating new zettel notes by breaking the line into zettel on the split lines and moving the zettles to the zettelkasten folder
(See [Document Spanning] as well.)