I happen to use windows voice dictation a lot, and this is activated with the shortcut win + h, which I find inconvenient to do it many times a day. And I would like to activate it with a single key like f12 or button 4 of the mouse for easy access. This can be done with the Power Toys tool for windows or with the AutoHotkey program creating a simple script, even I have tried a custom script for obsidian that is:
IfWinActive, ahk_class obsidian
F12::Send, {LWin down}h{LWin up}
NumpadDot::Send, {LWin down}h{LWin up}
XButton2::Send, {LWin down}h{LWin up}
But nothing works in obsidian to change this shortcut of dictation activation by voice of windows win + h; while in notepad or word this change of shortcut works perfect.
¿Does obsidian have any limitation with this?, ¿Does anyone know how to fix it?