Steps to reproduce
Start Obsidian. Switch away to another window while keeping Obsidian visible. (this is tested on Windows)
Expected result
The title bar should give some visual indication whether the Obsidian window is active (i.e., receiving keystrokes) or not, e.g., by changing color.
Actual result
This is not the case, it always has the same color, such as dark gray with the default light theme. The only way to tell if the window is active is to look for a blinking cursor.
- Operating system: Windows
- Theme: Default light or default dark
- Debug info:
Obsidian version: v0.13.23
Installer version: v0.13.23
Operating system: Windows 10 Pro 10.0.19044
Login status: not logged in
Insider build toggle: off
Live preview: on
Legacy editor: off
Base theme: light
Community theme: none
Snippets enabled: 0
Safe mode: on
Additional information
It has been discussed a few times on the forum that there should be an option to disable the “frameless” feature and use the OS’s native title bar, e.g., here and here.
While this would also solve this issue here, what I describe is more narrow and could also be solved with only the frameless design. Right now, it’s just impossible to see if Obsidian is active or not. When one is using Obsidian side-by-side with apps like Chrome or Firefox, it becomes very hard to tell what app is active. That’s why I believe it should be considered a bug.