Widgets for Obsidian – iOS App

Hi @rvdakker,

the spacing issue is indeed a bug in the app. I never tested it with that many actions! Thanks for mentioning it. I will keep you updated on a fix.
I’ll also think about ways to organise the Actions into different widgets.

In other news, here is the update for the recent release:


:sparkles: Features

  • The Add Quick Note dialog has got a design refresh to be more on line with Obsidian, put the spotlight and your text and to make saving notes more convenient.
  • You can set a different attachment path per destination
  • You can configure to save the note when closing the app. This can be enabled via the settings. @kalintri while the app still can’t auto-close after saving, this means you can just close the app to save the note.

:bug: Fixes

  • Notes can be saved without entering a body
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Hi @Joschua! Congrats on your app so far; it looks fantastic from the thread.

I wanted to ask if there is currently support for MacOS. Unfortunately, when I tried to install it earlier today, I encountered some app-breaking bugs, including the widgets’ inability to load.

If not, I hope support can come soon.


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Hi, and thank you for the kind words!

The app doesn’t intentionally support MacOS yet. But I’ve heard that the Actions functionality still works, while Quick Note doesn’t. Has that also been your experience?

For an alternative on MacOS, you could have a look at the Raycast Obsidian extension. I believe it has functionality similar to Quick note.

For iOS and macOS, MacOS Shortcut update

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