Why there is not an API to get a unified version of the data of a note?

Maybe I am missing some method, but as far as I know, obsidian doesn’t offer a way to get the data and metadata of a note in an unified way.
The closed thing is metadataCache, but the aliases are not unified to a list of strings, and tags are present it two different places in two different formats.
I see some plugins doing great effort (like dataview) to extract and unify this data. Why doesn’t obsidian offer a way to get this already?

I don’t get what you mean by “the aliases are not unified to a list of strings”, but as for tags, we have the getAllTags function.

Good to see there is a method to get all the tags. Where is that mdthod attached? Just exported from obsidian? Does it include the “#” prefix?
The thing I mean about unified is that sometimes it looks like a comma separated list of values, sometimes it is an array of strings, and sometimes it is an array of strings with a leqding dash - . Talking from memory here, so some details may be incorrect
