Why is the toolbar only on the mobile app? Would it take much more work to make it available on desktop?

I’m not trying to get a toolbar on the desktop, I know there are plugins to do that. I’m wondering, if the Obsidian devs created an official toolbar for mobile, why wouldn’t it be available on desktop? Doesn’t Obsidian have one codebase with Electron and Capacitor? I would assume that it wouldn’t take too much work to have the toolbar working on desktop.

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I also need this. Especially to show the complex commands from Task, etc.

I want to convince my partner to join obsidian, and having the buttons only on mobile is a bummer as she doesn’t dig Markdown as much as I do.

Having the same toolbar in mobile and desktop would also allow plugin developers to provide a consistent user experience on all plattforms.

This has also been wished on reddit here: Reddit - Dive into anything

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