Where can I find the log of "remotely save" plugin during sync?

Dear all,

where can I find the log of “remotely save” plugin during sync?

I currently set it to sync to a s3-compatible storage, like storj, it works perfectly until the recently days that I noticed there are two errors displayed after step 6/8, but I cannot remember them since they vanishes quickly.

I checked the back in the S3-compatible storage, and I find that the new notes were not synced! :hot_face: :dizzy_face:

so where can I find the log of “remotely save” plugin during sync, so that I can do something to correct the errors?


Looking at the plugin’s description, I’m not sure it has its own log. Check your storage provider’s logs. You could also try checking the console in Obsidian’s developer tools (Ctrl/Cmd+i) after the errors flash by.

Here are the plugin’s docs (I don’t know if they’re available in the app or by some more convenient way than this): remotely-save/docs at master · remotely-save/remotely-save · GitHub

You could also try checking the plugin’s issues and maybe posting your question as one.

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