Whenever I write on my note, i'm getting this "Make a backup of the contents of this file now to avoid losing data."

Things I have tried

I tried searching youtube/forum but can’t find anything. I restarted my computer and obsidian but that doesn’t work either. This is the first time this has happened to me.

What I’m trying to do

I don’t understand how this happened to me, I was writing my notes, it was working fine and then magically it appeared and what I wrote inside the note is not saved. Every time I write something, this window pops up directly.

Anyone know how to fix it please, I really need to work on my Obsidian.

Screen Shot 2022-03-25 at 15.16.34

The only clue I have is that when I write in different notes, in the pop up, it always appears the “…500 - Journal/520 - Day Planners/Untitled.md”, I deleted the “Untitled.md” but it still appears…

It’s coming from the planners plugin.
For me this happened when there was a config mistake, I renamed the folder without renaming it in the settings.

I’m getting the same error after installing the breadcrumb plugin and trying to set-up a for a hierarchy note. any clue how to fix it?

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