When user places the cursor at the end of the note title, then hit Enter, the cursor should move to the beginning of the first line

When user places the cursor at the end of the note title, then hit Enter, the cursor should move to the beginning of the first line. It’d be more intuitive that way. Currently the cursor will jump to somewhere in the middle of the note.

Use case or problem

I notice some other apps behave that ways, and find it more intuitive and also convenient for starting adding content to your note.

Proposed solution

If the cursor is at the end of the note title when user hits Enter, the cursor should move to the beginning of the first line of the note, not somewhere in the middle of the note.

Current workaround (optional)

  • Click somewhere inside the note, then use the key board shortcut: Ctrl+Home to bring the cursor to the beginning of the first line.
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I don’t believe Enter puts the cursor “somewhere in the middle of the note” (which I agree, would not make much sense) but rather back where it was before editing the title (which, to me, makes perfect sense).

The down arrow (instead of Enter) appears to do what you’re after. Is that a sufficient workaround?

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I tried your work around: , which works like you said, but it’s not how other app UIs usually work, so it’s a bit awkward. I will just use Ctrl +Home for now, but the folks at Obsidian should make it consistent with how all software UI works. Details below:

No, it doesn’t make sense. In what has become UX convention, Tab moves cursor from one text box to the next; Up, Down do not do that. Enter is to make a new line, and when it does, the cursor move to the beginning of the new line.

Obsidian allows “inline title”, which makes file name appear as if it’s part of the note. Taking that into consideration, when user puts the cursor at the end of that inline title, Enter should work closely as expected as possible, which means to move cursor to beginning of the first line of the note, not in the middle of the note.

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I wish to second this feature request. I switched over from Notion (which has the behavior described in the request), and Obsidians behavior is very confusing here. Jumping to some place I was at before editing the title really has no value for me.

It’s not a workaround, it’s intended to work that way. :slight_smile: