When in read-only, ability to click on hyperlinks on cards without having to select the card first

It’s annoying that you have to first select select a card before you can interact with what’s in it. Would make for a smoother experience if you were able to instantly click on any link you had anywhere in your canvas.


Yes, I also need .

If you can click any link anywhere in the canvas without first clicking a card, it is really a very flow, a very good experience.

There is no doubt that it will greatly improve the user experience.


Yes! Exactly what I need too!

I want to build a dashboard in a canvas with links to different pages. but it disrupts my workflow if I have to click several times to follow a link (especially on mobile).

I feel like there is no need to select a card in “read-only” mode, so implementing this feature should be possible, right?


Agreed. I have an evolving Dashboard set up on Canvas & this idea really would speed things along


I agree that this would be a great option to have in the canvas settings, though you can do this yourself with a very simple css snippet like this:

.mod-readonly .canvas-node-content-blocker { display: none; }
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That is amazing, I didn’t know that. Thanks a lot!