Hello! Hope you are all well.
I am a systems administrator by day, and a homelabber and self-hoster by night. I have a lot of hobbies that I pick up and drop halfway through the process and I have a family on the way. I’ve made plenty of notes for everything in my life, with the sole separation being my main job having its own dedicated Obsidian vault (as to prevent accidental issues with potentially sensitive data). I’ve read plenty on the Zettelkasten and PARA method and even used some of them while I was a student, but I feel unsure about what system would currently work best.
The topics I want to mush together are:
- Hobbies
- Programming study
- Work (including meeting notes and troubleshooting notes for various issues)
- Self-hosted infrastructure (passwords, noteworthy quirks, interesting ideas or solutions I’d like to try)
- Home notes (car, house management, et cetera)
My initial instinct is to separate everything, but I’d like to try and keep everything in the same box, just in case.
I feel like I could just “use PARA” or “use Zettelkasten”, but I genuinely wouldn’t know what would work best, or if there’s an interesting system that would fit perfectly. I would also just “make my own system”, but I’ve been burned by my ADHD brain before, and I’d like some sort of system that I can strictly follow to keep my vault disciplined.
I’ve searched around this forum for a bit, but I haven’t found any recommendations from people in the IT field of work, and I’d like to see if there’s any special nuances that I’m missing.
Thank you in advance!