What is this vim mode popup?

Does anyone know what this popup is, the line with a slash through it and the number one?
It seems to only happen in vim normal mode, and only after moving the cursor to the right. I believe it is showing where the cursors started, though I’m not sure how to use it, or if I can disable it.

Screen Shot 2024-01-04 at 4.32.36 PM

I’m on MacOS, and I just tried holding down the lowercase l key.


:exploding_head: So it’s a MacOS thing. This is the accent character selection menu. It can be disabled with this command.

defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

Rather than disable it, I wonder if this should be considered a bug, since when you are in normal mode, it shouldn’t really be registering as a text field.

I guess you are triggering it by holding down l to navigate sideways?

(Although I’ll consider disabling the pressandhold on my end too. I always use alt+keys to chord-type special characters and accents.)

Also some unsolicited vim advice if it’s welcome: there may be more ergonomic ways to move around, than holding down a key: w, [count]w, f[char], /[pattern], etc.

Yes I was triggering it by holding now the l key. After your original message I tested it with other keys as well to the same results just with different accents.

While researching how to disable it, I found that there might be a bug in last MacOS where this accent menu doesn’t appear at all.

As for it being a bug, I’m not sure. I did find some folks talking about ApplePressAndHoldEnabled for VSCode as well. Link

I would expect nothing less from another vim user than to tell me I’m navigating wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

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lol, guilty! :man_golfing:

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