Weird font on the Web Clipper. ( Remove "Microsoft YaHei Light" )

Steps to reproduce

  • Use Windows
  • Set the language setting to Japanese.
  • Install Webclipper to your browser
  • Open Webclipper setting page.

You will see Strange font.

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? [Y/N]


Actual result



The “ョ” (small “ヨ”) and “ッ” (small “ツ”) are written slightly higher than the other characters. However, they should be written in the lower left corner. This is a rule of the Japanese language.

This is difficult for Japanese speakers to read. Since “ヨ” and “ョ” and “ツ” and “ッ” are different characters, it must be easy to distinguish them.

The following other problems have also arisen.

  • Only “ー” is written in serif style instead of sans serif.
  • The Kanji character “選” is written in a different style from that used in Japan.

The cause of these problems is that “Microsoft YaHei Light” is specified as a font in CSS. This font is for Chinese and is rather harmful for other languages.

The dialog for clipping also has a weird font.

Expected result


Using the Developer Tools, remove the Microsoft YaHei Light specification to obtain the correct result.


  • Microsoft Windows 10
    • (Japanese setting)
  • Mozilla Firefox 132.0.2
    • I’m having the same problem with Google Chrome 131.0.6778.86.
  • Obsidian Web Clipper 0.9.8

Additional information

Microsoft YaHei is widely used in Obsidian and Japanese is not displayed correctly there.

see: Incorrect Font for Japanese on windows and publish

Microsoft YaHei only supports Chinese, and Japanese will not be displayed correctly if Microsoft YaHei is specified. Chinese can be displayed correctly without Microsoft YaHei.

Microsoft YaHei should be removed from all places where fonts are specified in Obsidian.

Hello. Clipper Bug reports go here.
