Someone on another board I am on shared this video Andy Matuschak shared of one of his note-writing sessions.
It’s a long video of a guy taking notes and talking about taking notes, but strangely engrossing. A few things I found:
This really demonstrates writing as thinking. Andy really wrestles with ideas as he is taking notes. This illustrates well the idea of not just capturing other people’s ideas, but note-taking to generate new ideas. He talks a lot about making claims in his notes, not just capturing others’ ideas.
There’s a lot of starts and stops. Andy starts writing something, reconsiders it, abandons it, picks it up again.
I am not sure if it’s just not seen in the video, but I was impressed with how much Andy seemed to retain from the Design Unbound book (which is in the background of all the notes he writes). He doesn’t appear to be referring back to any kind of fleeting notes on the book at all as he proceeds. His recall is much, much better than mine.
I wonder about the relationship between the notes he creates in this video and other work he’s done. At one point, he opens up an essay he’s previously published and starts capturing ideas from it. I was curious about how that works from a knowledge management perspective. It just struck me as odd to be creating new notes from something that’s already been published.
Thought others might find it interesting. Curious to hear what you think.