Vortex Theme for Obsidian: Customize, Glow, and Elevate Your Notes!

Vortex is a sleek and customizable theme designed by Abhiman G S to elevate your Obsidian workspace.

Check out the Vortex GitHub Repository for details and updates!

:sparkles: Key Features:

  • :art: Accent Colour Customization: Personalize your notes with infinite colour options.
  • :fountain_pen: Stunning Heading Styles: Neon glow and gradient underlines for a bold aesthetic.
  • :link: Animated Links: Smooth hover effects make your notes interactive.
  • :speech_balloon: Custom Callouts: Add visually appealing callouts with built-in icons.

Found a bug or have feedback? Report it on the Vortex GitHub Repository.

Designed with ❤️ by Abhiman G S.
1 Like

Very cool theme! Thank you for sharing!

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Thank you so much, @cameron ! :blush: I’m really glad you like the theme! :tada:
By the way, if you’ve had a chance to explore Vortex, I’d love to hear your thoughts on how it could be improved. Are there any aspects you feel could be better? Your feedback would be super helpful in making the theme even better! :raised_hands:

Hi @michelle653burkes ! :blush:
Thank you for stopping by and for the kind words! I’m glad you found the post informative. :tada:
If you decide to try out Vortex, feel free to share your thoughts—I’d love to hear how it works for you! :blush: