View calendar events in daily notes

Why self-limit the idea to google calendar – don’t leave out google KEEP! Same log in, also has a notes and a calendar reminder/alert function. Oy vey, that would be good.

I currently use Agenda for meeting notes which I like so that my PKM isn’t full of potentially meaningless notes. I can easily add the meeting notes to my Daily Note like so: (⌘+shift+L)


With that said I still really like opening my daily note and having summary of my day that I can add mental notes to like so (currently doing this manually).

I agree @AND that this should be local if possible. Thinking could use local calendar that Apple has already sync’d. On creation of the note if it could provide a table with configurable details (ie. Title, Start Time, etc) then I could add a note column to make use of it each day.