Very basic question about where ".obsidian/plugins/" is located?

On a Mac, this folder doesn’t auto-install to the main drive somewhere right? I’m not seeing it in: /Users/yourusername/Library/Application Support/obsidian
Do I have to manually create it within here or my Obsidian vault? There’s a plug-in I want to try (Dual) that’s telling me I need to unzip it to this folder first. Thanks

GitHub - Psionica/dual-obsidian-client: A skilled virtual assistant for Obsidian.

“Installation (currently only available from source)
Download and unzip it in .obsidian/plugins/. Follow the instructions in the plugin settings tab to continue”

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It’s in your vault folder but the period in front of the name means it’s hidden. Cmd+Shift+period will reveal it.


As @jlc mentioned, the plugin folder is on inside your vault folder.
Another way, without the need to use the command to reveal hidden folders is via Obsidian settings: in “Community plugins” > “Installed plugins” click in the folder symbol and a Finder window will reveal the wanted folder.


Thank you both! Good to know multiple methods.

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