Vertical title for notes after v0.16

I’ve just tested it and it works like a charm.
Without the problem you faced in normal tab view:

.workspace-tabs.mod-stacked .workspace-tab-header-inner-title {
	writing-mode: vertical-lr !important;
	text-orientation: sideways !important;
	transform: rotate(180deg) !important;
	text-align: right;
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I’m clearly missing something.

Are you not changing to the “Stack Tabs” mode by any chance? You can do that via the arrow pointing downwards next to the minimize button.


That was it!
thank you.

Oh okay my bad @Olondre sorry. So I followed your process but it still doesn’t work.

I tried also what you recommend @ariehen but same it doesn’t work.

An even weirder thing is that I can’t even see the titles with the windows mode.

When I disable snippets this happens:

And when I reactivate the snippet given on this topic this happens:

Maybe this problem is a key to solve my problem. I don’t know…

I tried again with this snippet but it still doesn’t work…

I really don’t understand what the problem is.

I’m really sorry to cause you problems.

Did you click the stacked tabs?
Should look like:

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Thank you @CawlinTeffid and @Olondre for your help. Now it looks exactly as I want it. (Though I would still prefer Andy’s plugin over this).

for me, I needed to add !important to last option as well. And I think Obsidian already uses text-orientation: sideways or mixed . Changing writing-mode has no effect. So for me, the following snippet is working,

.workspace-tabs.mod-stacked .workspace-tab-header-inner-title {
	transform: rotate(180deg) !important;
	text-align: right !important;
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yup, you were missing some back slashes, here you go.

¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ => ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Yeah, they posted a screenshot earlier that showed they’d done that.

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I was scrolling through to see that, but somehow I missed it. I am removing my comment.

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