Vault list in alphabetical order

Just a simple fix when I’m using multiple vaults would be to sort them in an alphabetical order instead of recent opened. I use a lot of Vaults, so it gets messy over time. I have to use another Vault to create a MOC list of vaults. On top of that it opens a random (recently used) vault on the start. So it’s not the best solution.

For example I have a vault containing 1 000 tarantula species with the relation to each other and recent publications about them, that is a sub-vault of my animal species vault. It’s not often used, but I want it to keep separated for the graph view. When I use it, it gets on top of the list and a little bit later it gets lost on the list.

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I second this. It is messy like this.

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I had the same problem. I sorted the folders by name in the ‘obsidian.json’ file and adjusted the ‘timestemp’ (ts) accordingly.

The Python script that I used for sorting:

d = {
    "vaults": {
        "72fa90175c3aedd5": {"path": "/home/seas/Library/N Obsidian_Notes/N01 Computer Knowledge", "ts": 1699886911920},
        "ad02d3386a37e8ab": {"path": "/home/seas/Library/N Obsidian_Notes/N02 BetterLifeGmbH", "ts": 1699886938905},

# Sort by the path
sorted_vaults = dict(sorted(d["vaults"].items(), key=lambda item: item[1]["path"]))

# Update the ts variables in ascending order
current_ts = 0
for key, value in sorted_vaults.items():
    sorted_vaults[key]["ts"] = current_ts
    current_ts += 1

# Update the original dictionary
d["vaults"] = sorted_vaults

# Replace ' with "
string_representation = str(d).replace("'", '"')

# Output of the updated string

To clarify: is obsidian.json stored in the global settings folder? How Obsidian stores data - Obsidian Help