Using tags and/or links in Publish?

Hi All,

I was posting some short stories on Mastodon, and decided to do it a bit more “formally” with Obsidian Publish. I love it, but I realise that many hashtags (useful on a social network) tend to “pollute” my text. Moreover, there is no (easy) graph of pages with common hashtags, so those hashtags seem to be of very limited value in Publish.

Am I correct that on a “blog”, it will be more useful for readers to get links between my pages, rather than hashtags?

For example, on my homepage, I say I’ll talk about #music and #games, but if I have a “Music” page that task about #bandA and #bandB, it will be much better to just replace #music with [[Music]], create a hierarchy of pages, and seem them materialise in my graph?

Any other advice on pages organisation/structure for Publish beginners will be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:
