Using Sleek with the todo.txt format , and Obsidian

I recently stumbled upon an excellent todo.txt application over on Github called Sleek. Sleek parses todo.txt format into a nice, usable interface and is built on electron.

I requested the developer to offer .md files as an alternative to .txt, which he enabled quickly. The result - I can now use the todo.txt format in both Obsidian and Sleek! This is a nice enhancement to task management, that keeps the data file in one location.

Using the standard file, I can now also manage tasks on iOS via

Nice little boost to unifying things.


Hello @roguefury Can you tell me how you integrate both, Sleek And Obsidain.

@Daniyal-Ahmed Pretty simple, just create a file called inside your Obsidian Vault, and then point sleek at that file.

This isn’t a sophisticated setup, but it does put the todo list in the same location as my vault. I hope that helps.

Oh I understood Now! This is just to Keep everything at same folder(Vault). It would be great if the Sleek Documents could be opened in Obsidian. Like a note. Thanks @roguefury

@Daniyal-Ahmed Actually, that is precisely what I can do now. While Sleek requires the todo.txt format, the developer updated the app to accept .md files. Now, my sits inside my Obsidian vault, where I can edit it. It’s also accessible by Sleek. This is pretty cool

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Wait, It can also edit it! I will try that with .md file!

I started to use yesterday after a week thinking about data blocking and privacy (Notion was my task and project manager until now), so I very happy to see one more app using todo.txt, specially one with a beautiful interface.

Now that I trying to use Obsidian as a simplified productivity manager, the integration between Sleek and Markdown is a good boost. Thank you for sharing it!

i am in same boat with you all.
on my android i got a folder “markdown”, shared using android as samba server (using app: Lan drive) and can access it in windows.

on android i use both markor and obsidian. same, use instead of buy.todo.txt
the entries in todo can link OUT to other .md documents, but others can ONLY link to the file, and CANNOT block link to a single entry in (the only thing sucks)

on windows, i installed obsidian, and can choose phone’s samba share “markdown” as the vault, and everything works like in phone.

markor can sort, but it will remove everything that obsidian mark it as a block. e.g. empty lines after; that’s the only problem