Using Markdown / obsidian to navigate

I want to use markdown to navigate large directories, on the order of terabytes, for example, of images and notes, potentially in a shared space.

Obsidian is great, especially for creating these notes, but I don’t want to have to index etc, especially if multiple users are wanting to use it just for navigation.

Do you have a recommended stripped-down markdown viewer that is useful for this kind of thing? Or is there a way to configure Obsidian to do this?

Can you describe what you want in more detail? I’m not sure what you mean by not wanting to index.

If you mean you want automatically-created lists of links, you might try the Waypoint or Zootelkeeper plugins (I’ve probably spelled it wrong, so search “Zoot”), or search “index” or “MOC” to see if there are other plugins that do similar things.

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(sorry for the delayed response)

If you mean you want automatically-created lists of links, you might try the Waypoint or Zootelkeeper plugins

I’m not referring to this; but rather when the app says “Obsidian is indexing your vault.”

What I want it more detail:

One example is that I have a very large external harddrive with various types of data on the project. I would like to use Obsidian to take notes, annotate, or organize that project for my own use. But then I would pass that harddrive to someone else who does not have Obsidian. I want them to be able to read my notes in markdown and navigate markdown links, but as lightweight as possible and in the “open file in your system explorer” approach to ease them into the data and notes, not have them worry about “learning new software,” not having “Obsidian is indexing your [1.2 TB] vault”–possibly even a portable installation of whatever software to avoid them needing to download another app.

Something like the experience of opening up Github, etc, in your browser that you already have and getting the readme file upfront. What other apps view formatted markdown files?

Indexing is very important to Obsidian, so I believe this is unavoidable.

I think most Markdown editors have a way to view the rendered version of Markdown and to follow Markdown links (assuming you mean actual Markdown links and not the wiki-style links Obsidian uses by default).

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Exactly, so back to my original question:
Does anyone have a recommended minimalist markdown viewer?

(side note @CawlinTeffid , this is why I originally placed this in “Knowledge Management”)
Thanks for answering the other part of the question, i.e. is there a way to configure Obsidian for minimalist/non-indexing/“just viewing.”

iA Writer supports wikilinks now, and Zettlr and Typora may also. They seem to be supplementing or gradually replacing internal markdown links as a defacto standard.


Nice, that’s great!
To clarify, I’m ok with not having wikilinks, especially in this use case

The Knowledge Management section is more about “how do I organize my files” than “what app do I use”.

Yeah, I figured I’d mention that if wikilinks turned out to be a requirement.

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