Using DQL: Grouping results by calculation and date

Hi there! I’ve been trying to figure this out for a while and am hoping to not get into javascript to achieve what I’m trying to do. I’m hoping the community can help.

What I’m trying to do

I have notes from various activities that contain the duration of the activity, the classification of the activity (value flow), and the date of the activity.

I’m trying to display the combined duration for activities, broken out their classification, grouped by the year and month. This is how far I can get currently. It’s nearly there!

As you can see, I get the total contribution for the month, but it lists out each classification. I would like to see the total for :corn: , then total for :dart: →. So, under 2024-05, I would see a single :corn:, then the total. Sort of like this:

Things I have tried

I’ve read the docs and many posts, increased my general knowledge to a place where I feel really comfortable about doing each part (calculating and grouping), but I can’t quite find a way to do both.

I’m not a programmer/developer, so I’m trying to to keep things light by running DQL while still understanding what I’m doing. Is it possible to do this with just DQL?

Here is my query:

TABLE rows.value-flow AS Flow, rows.value-recipient AS Recipient, sum(rows.duration) AS Contribution 
FROM ("10 Every Day/20 Meetings") OR ("10 Every Day/25 Actions")
WHERE contains(value-project, [[]])
GROUP BY dateformat(date,"yyyy-MM") AS Month

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

If you want both the month and flow, try something like GROUP BY [dateformat(date, "yyyy-MM"), value-flow].

Your query would then look something like:

TABLE WITHOUT ID key[0] as Month, key[1] as Flow,
  rows.value-recipient AS Recipient, sum(rows.duration) AS Contribution 
FROM ("10 Every Day/20 Meetings") OR ("10 Every Day/25 Actions")
WHERE contains(value-project, [[]])
GROUP BY [dateformat(date,"yyyy-MM"), value-flow]
SORT key[0] DESC

@holroy, this is incredible. You did it! I really appreciate this as it’s been very frustrating for me. Before I marked this as resolved, there’s just one detail that would make it perfect.

Would I use something like FLATTEN to just list the date once per set of flows? In the screenshot, you can see that it lists the month per flow. Here’s what it’s doing now:

Here’s what I’d like it to do:

I feel like I’m close with FLATTEN by applying file.lists but I’m not sure how that works with the key[0]. Or maybe I’m barking up the wrong tree?

I also realize in my above example, my ideal screenshot mockup isn’t the desired effect. I’m looking for the following:

  • A single date
  • A single unique recipient
  • A Flow type and it’s corresponding duration caculation

Is that possible?

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