Using Dataview to track and agreggate timed activities with more than one entry per note

What I’m trying to do

I’m currently using periodic notes to write things about my week. I’m currently using one note per week where I compile different info.

For a long time I’ve been looking for ways to track and visualize daily activities. A few examples of what I want to track:

  • Swim for 60 mins
  • Run for 75 mins
  • Watch [name of tv show] for 60 mins
  • Play [name of video game] for 100 mins

At the end of the year I would like to visualize this information in different ways such as:

  • How long I spent swimming
  • A list of movies I watched

Things I have tried

I’ve tried to use inline data annotation in the notes but repeating key values is leading to unintended behavior.

So let’s say that in the one note I have the following

activity:: Swim
activity-duration:: 60 minutes

activity:: Swim
activity-duration:: 60 minutes

And in another note in the same folder:

activity:: Swim
activity-duration:: 30 minutes

I then started to explore different queries.

List activities:

TABLE activity, activity-duration as "Duration"
FROM "Weekly Notes"
WHERE activity != null

Then I tried grouping and using sum:

TABLE activity, sum(rows.activity-duration) as "Duration", length(rows.activity) as count
FROM "Weekly Notes"
GROUP BY activity
WHERE activity != null

And then I explored with FLATTEN and GROUP BY but I started to get weird behavior.

Is there a way to accomplish such thing or any ideas where I can take a different approach to get this?


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