I found the answer to my question while looking for an answer to a different one. I’m going to leave my question up in case someone else is trying to do the same thing, and because the answer was in a long thread that may not necessarily come up.
If anyone else has:
x = y
z = y
and wants to display:
x = z
I did the following:
TABLE WITHOUT ID rows.file.link[0] as "French", rows.file.link[1] as "Italian", rows.file.link[1].IPA as "IPA"
FROM "Languages/Vocabulary"
WHERE contains(Language, "French") or contains(Language, "Italian")
GROUP BY English
My understanding, line by line (please correct me if I’m wrong!):
TABLE WITHOUT ID rows.file.link[0] as “French”, rows.file.link[1] as “Italian”, rows.file.link[1].IPA as “IPA”: Creates a table out of the array made by the FROM and WHERE lines with columns for French, Italian Equivalent, and Italian Pronunciation (IPA)
FROM “Languages/Vocabulary”: Pulls notes from the Vocabulary subfolder of Languages
WHERE contains(Language, “French”) or contains(Language, “Italian”): Filters notes pulled via FROM to those that contain Italian or French in the Language key
GROUP BY English: Connects the French and Italian words based on their English keys/translation
Unfortunately this also sorts the words by their English equivalents, and I’ve tried to sort on every field I can think of to get it to sort by the first column with no luck (ideas welcome!).
I hadn’t seen “rows.file.link” before, until I was scrolling through a snippets thread and came to this post:
So thanks @SkepticMystic for indirectly helping me out!