Dataview plugin snippet showcase

Not currently, no. If this isn’t already a feature request, I think it’s a great idea to post!


I’ve been looking all over for how to query around nested tags.

For instance, I may have a bunch of notes to aggregate Standard Work for my teams, but those will have nested tags. For a MOC page, I may want to create a list of all the Standard Work pages I have in my vault, inclusive of all of the nested tags. A way I would think I could write that is:

list from #standard-work/**

But I can’t find an ergonomic way of writing a query like this which doesn’t require me to where-clause against every known case of nested tag which is more static than I’d like. (I don’t want to update this page every time I add a new nested tag).

Any thoughts in the community?


Just to clarify, your questions says “I may want to create a list of all the Standard Work pages I have in my vault, inclusive of all of the nested tags”. So you want to list every page tagged with #standard-work and also every page tagged with #standard-work/something/maybeMore?

This snippet should do that:

list from #standard-work

Dataview already matches nested tags, so that list from #Tag should match #Tag as well as #Tag/sub

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This ability to add the Backlinks and Index is awesome! Thanks.


Has anybody tried the GROUP BY? I tried that but didn’t get the expected result.
For example, say I have some notes with the tags #Note/Author, #Note/Principle, #Note/Concept…how can I group all the results with tag #Note according to their subtags?
Could anyone help?


I actually hadn’t figured it out myself, but your question made me give it a go. I think I’ve got it…

So, I’m gonna use an example:

In each of my assignments, I have a field (intensity) with a red, yellow, or green square telling me how much work will be required.


So, if I want to group all of my assignments by their intensity, I do the following.

First, gather all the assignments:

FROM #Assignments

Then, group by intensity:

GROUP BY intensity

rows Object

Now, here is the part that confused me… by grouping them, you’ve now got a new object created by the grouping. This is a nested list of all the assignments grouped by intensity. So something like:

[A1, A2, A6], // Green
[A3, A4], // Yellow
[A5, A7] // Red

The way you access this new list is with the rows object.
So if I want the file name of every note in the array, I call
If I want the dueDate of each note in the array, I call rows.dueDate.

In this example, I call the title property (rows.title).

Now, you sorta have to change the ordering around, but it should still make sense.

TABLE intensity, rows.title 
FROM #Assignment
GROUP BY intensity

Which gives me this, as desired:

So for your example, you want to group files by subtag. Can you try this and let me know what you get? I think the output will be a little messy, because it repeats alot of the tags, but it should still group them as you want.

TABLE, rows.file.tags
FROM #Note
GROUP BY file.tags

Also, it will only consider two notes to be in the same group if they have exactly the same tags. So even if two notes have #Note/Author, if the one has a tag that the other doesn’t, I don’t think they’ll be grouped together.


wow @SkepticMystic Thank you so much for your elaborate and earnest answer! It does help a lot!
It is the rows Object that confused me too, and you’ve made it so clear. I tried replacing the with under your instruction, and now it works quite perfectly.
Just to let you know you helped me solve the long time problem.Thanks so much again! :kissing_heart:


Is there a way to show the number of result rows ?

I’m really glad to hear it helped! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Thank you for getting me to finally figure out how group by works :joy:


I tried a hacky method which didn’t seem to work.
I thought to use length() or sum(), but each of these only works as a test in a where block; it doesn’t give a returnable value.

I think this would be really useful though. Check if it’s an existing feature request and give it an upvote, otherwise make a new post for it :slight_smile:


For now, you could totally pair dataview with the Obsidian Query Language plugin (OQL).

After your dataview table/list, put an OQL codeblock underneath it to show the {count} of the same query.



Thanks a lot for your help.

I also tried to play with Group By and ‘sum’ and ‘length’ functions but like you said, it doesn’t seems to work in this context.

I thought that OQL’s queries only rely on folders… I will check the doc again to see if it works also with yaml frontmatter metadata.

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I haven’t used OQL very much, so its definitely possible that it doesn’t allow querying on the same objects as dataview.

But I think this would be a useful feature to request in a future update :slight_smile:

So your post got me thinking alot, and I think I’ve figured out a workaround for seeing how many results get returned!

This CSS snippet will number the rows of a dataview table:

.table-view-table {
    counter-reset: section;

.table-view-table > tbody > tr > td:first-child::before {
    counter-increment: section;
    content: counter(section) ". ";

Resulting in something like this when you make a table:


Wow, I’m silly.

Maybe it had something to do with how it appears queries are cached, so I may have made an update to a nested tag and expected a result to automatically appear which I now see isn’t the case (and totally understandable).

Simple oversight, thank you for responding :dizzy_face:


Nice solution, but are you sure it is correct? I tried it and it just gives number 1 to all the items on the table.

You can get the value using length(); I got the number of files tagged #Ticket like so:

TABLE length(rows) as ticketCount
FROM #Ticket 

It was a little tricky to figure out the summing, but I got that as well. Here’s what I use to see how many points I’ve accumulated in my #Tickets for the current Sprint, as well as how many more I need to hit my current goal of 10:

TABLE sum(rows.Points) as TotalEarnedPoints, 10-sum(rows.Points) as PointsToGo
FROM #Ticket and [[Sprint Ending 2021-04-08]]
WHERE Ended != null

Huh, I mean its still working for me. What theme are you using? Did you add it to the main.css, or as a snippet?

So it’s definitely targeting the right element if you see the numbers in the right place. But it seems its not incrementing the value properly. That’s what the counter-increment: section; is for.

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Nice! I was missing the fact that you have to give the length(rows) value an alias! as whatever.

I also like the summing method, good catch :slight_smile:

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I am using it as a snippet, I am using Minimal theme with some other snippets from here:

yeah , it is definitely doing something right. or maybe it is because one of the plugins , it is hard to tell