Using calendar plugin

What I’m trying to do

I’ve had the calendar plugin installed for awhile. I’d like to start using it. I don’t see how to get started. The GitHub site for the plugin says “After enabling the plugin in the settings menu, you should see the calendar view appear in the right sidebar.”

I have the plugin enabled. The calendar does not appear.

Things I have tried

I have search the forum and the web for suggestions ongetting started with the plugin. Mostly I found posts and threads regarding advanced configuration and integration with other plugins. Nothing that addresses my simple basic question…

If you have a lot of items (Outgoing links, Backlinks, Outline, Tags, etc.) in your right sidebar, Calendar sometimes gets pushed off to the right out of view (desktop Obsidian). If you expand the sidebar a bit, it could be hiding over there.

Thanks. I have little in the right sidebar. I minimized the center space, maximized the right sidebar. Calendar still not showing up.

Spoke too soon. Checking backlinks of a note I happened to slide the cursor over the calendar icon at the top of the sidebar. Calendar now displays.

Thanks again.

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