Using Asian Language in Mermaid

What I’m trying to do

I tried mermaid for the first time and I got stuck on my own language (Cambodia-Southeast Asian).
The word is គ​្​រ​ិ​ន​ថ​្​ល​ើ​ម Combine.(I put space in between)

Things I have tried

I try changing form of the graph, research but nothing help.

graph TD
A[ Microorganis] --> | Virus/Bacteria/Ascaris | B{ LIVER }
C[ Alcohol ] --> B
D[Drugs] --> |Medicine / Herbal| B
E[ Hepatitis ]--> |A,B,C / Abscess| B
F[Cirrhosis] --> |គ្រិនថ្លើម| B
B --> G[ Cancer ]

I think it should work if you enclose text having non-english characters within double quotes, like in "គ្រិនថ្លើម".

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Thank you! It works.

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