Use the Templater plugin to create repeating tasks on future (or past) daily notes

The basis of my daily routine is defined by tasks that repeat. For instance, I always read certain reports on Tuesdays. Furthermore, I have some tasks that need to be done on the last day of the month.

Sometimes, I may need to create a daily note far in advance, but it should have all of its tasks included so that when I get to it, I can do them.

Enter the templater plugin. I use the following code to insert the correct repeating tasks, regardless of when the note is created. I even have some tasks that I want to do on the last Thursday of the month, but only if the month will end on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. this code handles that as well. Here it is:

  const dayOfWeek = Number("d", 0, tp.file.title, "YYYY.MM.DD"));
  const dayOfMonth = Number("D", 0, tp.file.title, "YYYY.MM.DD"));
  const month = Number("M", 0, tp.file.title, "YYYY.MM.DD"));
  const year = Number("YYYY", 0, tp.file.title, "YYYY.MM.DD"));
  const lastDayOfMonth = Number(month === 2 ? ((year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0 ? 29 : 28) : [4, 6, 9, 11].includes(month) ? 30 : 31);
  const doLastDOM = Boolean([1,2,3].includes(dayOfWeek) ? dayOfMonth === lastDayOfMonth : dayOfWeek == 4 ? dayOfMonth >= (lastDayOfMonth - 3) : false);
  if (dayOfWeek == 1) {
    // Monday
- [ ] first Monday task
- [ ] second Monday task
  else if (dayOfWeek == 2) {
	// Tuesday
- [ ] first Tuesday task
- [ ] second Tuesday task
  else if (dayOfWeek == 3) {
	// Wednesday
- [ ] first Wednesday task
- [ ] second Wednesday task
  else if (dayOfWeek == 4) {
	// Thursday
- [ ] first Thursday task
- [ ] second Thursday task
  // End of Month Tasks
  if (doLastDOM) {
- [ ] first End of Month task
- [ ] second End of Month task

Edited code to be precise, concise, and quick.

One last edit to make this easier to read and use by non tech types.

This works really well, thank you!
Is there any way to have it schedule stuff on the first monday of the month, instead of the last day of the month?

Edit to add: I was able to figure it out, you can change the “(doLastDOM)” bit to “if (dayOfMonth == 01) {”

Then it works.

Thanks to @ScottKillen

@ScottKillen - This is a great solution for repeating tasks. I have been looking for something like this. However my need is more simple but I have no idea how to set up the code for it.

What I have been trying to figure out is how to use Templater to create a task using prompts/suggestions for date selection, priority options, and the task (free form text entry).

Is this possible? It seems you all have a firm grasp of Templater, more than I.

Best regards