Use standard MD links for images

A related problem is that when using standard image links, the right click menu to open the image in native app is missing.

So if you choose to stick with compatible link formats, large images become unreadable when they are resized down to fit Obsidian’s view, with no way to open them at full size.

edit: added this as a bugreport



Wondering if there has been any update on this.

Just came across this issue when trying to view notes in gitlab. All images are contained within the vault, in a “_attachments” folder, however gitlab doesn’t understand the obsidian method of specifying the image path.

+1 on supporting standard markdown image embedding syntax. Obsidian is an excellent tool kit for working with markdown, but it’s kind of a deal breaker to be so non-compliant with something as basic as embedding images.

I realize markdown has several “standards”, and the devs have chosen to follow one subset of them.

I discovered that obsidian does in fact support the syntax I’m using, and it wasn’t rendering in my case because I was referring to a file name that included spaces, that was generated by obsidian editor when I inserted an image. Changing the file name to the correct one without the space, or referring to the one with the space but escaping the space with %20 renders fine.

I also have found a “Use Wikilinks” option in “Files and Links” setting that when disabled allows obsidian to embed links using standard markdown syntax, see attached screenshot. I tested this and it seems to work, so it would seem this issue should be closed.


I filed a bug for the local image copy bug here.

Holy thread resurrection, Batman!

Wiki style image / attachment embedding works fine in the most of the cases, but in some not.

This works everywhere:
![[My Image.webp]]

This works in normal places, but I’m getting formatting error in tables. It treats the | symbol as column separator:
![[My Image.webp|32]]

Read the docs.

Hi @Dirty_Hairy,

In order to use a pipe inside an image inside a table, you must escape the pipe by using a backslash. So instead of ![[image|100]], you must use ![[image\|100]]. Here’s an example:


And the render:



This is quite LITERALLY what I was looking for, I’ve spent wayy too many hours today trying to find solutions :disappointed:

Have you searched for an existing request?


Use case or problem

  • DevonThink supports only standard image links, e.g. ![](foo.jpg)
  • DevonThink supports clickable WikiStyle links, e. g. [[bar]]

… but I can only set every kind of link (image and non-image) to standard or everything to obsidian. I can not set them independently.

Proposed solution

There should be two settings: One for “normal”/internal links and one for image links.

Current workaround (optional)

Use standard. But then links are only clickable (in DevonThink as in Obsidian) in the (Pre)View-Mode of the file.


Have you searched for an existing request?

Yes. See “related feature requests”.

Use case or problem

I want to export my notes to my site, which accepts [[wikilinks]] but not ![[image_links]].

Indeed, if [[wikilinks]] are becoming more and more integrated in websites, it’s not the case for ![[image_links]].

Therefore, users may have a framework that accepts [[wikilinks]] but not [[image_links]].

Proposed solution

Unbundle the “Use Markdown links” option in the “Editor” menu.

I’d like to have separate options for wikilinks and image links.

Use Markdown links for wiki-style links : [[…]]
Use Markdown links for internal image links : ![[…]]

Current workaround (optional)

In my case, that forces me to modify image links (markdown) by hand, which is be quite cumbersome.

Related feature requests (optional)

There is : → Autocomplete images and wikilinks links as markdown links. A comment explains partially what I need, by the way.

→ Convert internal links to wikilinks

Use standard MD links for images - #4 by WhiteNoise → This is close, but does not mention the decoupling between wikilinks and image_links.

@matti told me that he asked for the same thing. Great, we can be friends now ! :smile:


My own Request is related to this :Setting link and image link styles independently


Thanks, I’ll update my request !


I use GitJournal. It supports wiki links, but it only supports the markdown style of image links. Please separate the link format switch from the image link format.


Oh I would like to bump this. The ability to retain Wikiliks for markdown files, but using Markdown links for images (especially when pasting, and putting in those %20 in spaces), would make the notes more compatible with other markdown editors as well.


I just discovered that the default internal links for pasted images e.g.

![[Pasted image 20201106170215.png]]

will not display in basically any external markdown editor. What is the advantage of using these style of links vs “standard” markdown format of:


Anyone got a good solution for converting existing internal links to standardized format (for images only…) ?

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A similar problem - I use GitJournal and have to manually fix markdown links to notes in wiki links. Besides GitJournal, most editors on iOS/Android do not support the wiki style of image links and support the wiki style for links to notes. Easy-to-fix stuff that significantly expands the ability to use the knowledge base on mobile devices.


A temporary solution to the problem is to use the Wikilinks to MDLinks plugin (available in community plugins). You can use it to switch between wiki and markdown links to notes or images using a keyboard shortcut.
However, I still hope that the developers will separate the option for images and links to notes in the program without using third-party plugins.


Yes, much need this!

Using ![](image.png) and ![](<image name with space.png>) for normal image and other files, and using ![[Note Ref]] for internal note links.

Waiting for that!

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