Use simple markdown markers (i.e. 1) in numbered lists

Use case or problem

Currently, when we select lines and then toggle on numbered lists, all the lines are given the same markdown marker of ‘1’.

According to this feature request, sequential numbering will be used in v0.13.20.

Proposed solution

This request is for sequential numbering to be optional … some of us prefer to see simple / consistent markdown markers until the writing is parsed in reading mode.

Thanks for giving this some consideration.



As mentioned in Auto number selection when creating a numbered list from the command palette - #4 by WhiteNoise, a feature toggle request should be filed. I suggest the title/description of this post be changed to clarify that we are asking for a toggle to force Obdian to always use 1. to number ordered lists.

And second, I support this proposal a lot. I often move list items while editing and updating the numbers quickly becomes tedious.

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You might find the Linter plugin helpful – it can automatically renumber your lists in order, or set them all to 1. You can set it to automatically lint your files on save.


I would prefer the underlying markdown file to contain 1. 1. 1. but for preview mode to display it as 1. 2. 3., automatically updating the displayed numbering as necessary.

Thanks @Craig, it works indeed but is quite awkward because numbering goes out of order you edit the list and until you hit Cmd+S. But at least I got my sanity back, for which I am indebted to you.

Well, it works like that already. Try switching to Preview mode on any 1. 1. 1. numbered list (for me, it’s Cmd+E) and you should see it 1. 2. 3. numbered.

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In source and preview modes I see it as 1. 1. 1.. Only in reading mode does it render as 1. 2. 3..

I just made an account to second this.
It makes not much sense in Markdown to write enumerated lists as 1. 2. 3. specifically for the reason @driib mentioned: once you have to reorder something, everything has to be changed (manually or automatically).
It is much more convenient to have any enumerated list starting with 1..
Please bring this behaviour back for auto-formatting lists (e.g. hitting enter for a new list entry when the caret is already at the end of a line which is a list item).
Obsidian could also have an option to already render the corresponding “correct” number in the “live preview”, so everyone could configure it the way they prefer.

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I just wanted to post the same thing. I really want to be able to disable the incremental of the numbers.