Use H1 or YAML property "title" instead of or in addition to filename as display name

Would also love to see this feature soon!

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For what its worth +1 from me.

I think this could be really powerful.


+1 !!

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+1 from me too. It would be nice to have some sort of “detailed” file list, e.g. including first line, first H1, and possibly also tags. Here I’m thinking of how HedgeDoc lists its note history.

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+1 !!!

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would also love see this feature. I like the unique IDs feature with ZK and the knowledge graph feature, yet the two seem incompatible because ZK renders the graph incomprehensible. Adding the header renaming of nodes would solve this.


+1 :slight_smile:


I made an account in order to :heart: this post.

This feature (or the lack of it) is the sole item preventing me from adopting Obsidian. I’ve got an enormous zettelkasten directory of random-filename markdown files which is quite unusable in Obsidian.


+1 extremely useful feature

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+1 +1

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+1 I want to set the first fields of aliases to be displayed as the file name


+1 :clap::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I just found this, and thought I’d post it for those who haven’t seen it. There is currently a community extension which copies the note name to the H1: GitHub - mgmeyers/obsidian-embedded-note-titles

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You may have found this already, but there is a Plugin that syncs Note Title and filename. The Plugin is “Filename Heading Sync” and you can specify how many lines to include looking for a header. At least up to the first 10 lines.

dvcrn/obsidian-filename-heading-sync: plugin to keep the filename and the first header of the file in sync (

That is nice; I do add prefixes to the file names so I know which context it is in though, so not the desired functionality. For me :slight_smile:

I’d Love this

Useful +1!

There is another way which I need right now!
I’m reading the code and trying to write some notes to help me .But

I could not make a distinction between those notes named config.

So showing the note file’s full-path in the graph viewer is also a good and useful way,maybe!!!

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+1. This could help solve some unique ID issues, and hypothetically could be really simple to change.

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:heart:-ed and +1’d. Really keen to see this feature get integrated!

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+1 This would be very helpful!